Chapter seven: The Weight of Unease

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The next morning the old school building was off limits. 

No one knew why or what even happened. 

When many noisy students wanted to know the reason but the staff ignored the topicband averted them away from the area. Due to some classes still being in the old building.  If they were on the  1st or 2nd floor. The classes would proceed but would be cut shorter due to problems with the electricity seeming to short circuit- 

The classes on the 3rd floor-

Were completely canceled.

The entire floor was off limits.

The staff simply blamed it on someone leaving the window open and vermin sneaking in and wrecking the place- however- some students that disregarded temporary restrictions came back down with an uneased expression.

They whispered amongst themselves, claiming every single window is shattered with glass spread on the floor, cracks lining the walls-

Every light bulb demolished-

The speakers were making eerie noises-

Wires hung down with sparks sputtering out from loose ends.

Worst of all- every person who went up to that floor felt a sudden surge of unease.

Some described it as a longing of vengeful anger- some broke into tears sporadically with no reasonable explanation.

After this, no one dared to go past the second floor…


Else where in an alleyway-

Nene sits with her translucent knees to her chest staring at the people that pass by. She sighs. She cries, she sings. Doing anything to try to surpass this stop of time. She is even beginning to learn how to float a few centimeters of the ground- But it feels...weird. so she prefers walking for the meantime.

She probably won't accept this concept of death.

She cant help but to wonder,

"How long did it take until Hanako kun accepted death?”

Maybe 1 year?

Maybe 5 years?

Maybe 20 years?

What if he still doesn't actually accept it. Maybe that's why he pushes others away… sometimes.

'Maybe he just does that to me…'

'Did I make him more miserable?'

On and on the doubtful thoughts poured into her mind stirring up with an imaginary spoon.

Her back begins stinging again. She never really wants to know why it might be better to just ignore it. Perhaps it's because she fell down from a high height.

Despite what she has heard she can't help but to hope….
Its a dwindling hope but its still hope. 

She listens to the whispers of the strangers that pass by. she feels this energy from all around something that she can't find the right words to explain. It's like this heavy feeling. It's a weight on her entire being compressing with no warmth. One that says she isn't going anywhere. Beyond this alleyway- she will never touch. She will never see her home- her bedroom- the blossoming trees in the local park, the school garden with her growing crops-...the third floor girls bathroom. She could only remember the stained glass windows in twilight as a glimmering  memory. how long has she been here again?...

She doesn't know even when she tries to count the nights she is too busy keeping the grimy lower spirits at bay using all her strength and leg power. She only gets a short glimpse of the moon every night its not a long time- but it makes her feel a little- less lonely. She understands why Yugi Amane loved the moon. It's so far from reach- but its the only thing that will always remain the same mostly. Those few minutes the moon is over head makes her feel...a little lighter…

Nene closes her eyes, as all the surrounding sounds and vibrations begin to fade out. 

"Have you heard the spirit of the alleyway haunts this Block. They are searching for something."

One barrier breaks and one weight lifted while another one to replace it.


To be continued...

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