Chapter Twenty one: The last Phase of the moon

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Nene used what energy she had despite how tired she felt. Kou was also running he dodged people walking to and from Nene tried as well but still some parts of her went through people sending them sudden chills. 

“Come on senpai we have to hurry! Before Hanako does something he regrets…” of course, he didnt let her hear that second part.

Nene runs faster her back stinging her ankles burning. She feels the weight of her rumor pulling at her, in the direction opposite of the school.

She stops looking very winded. Kou turns around, “senpai- Senpai are you ok?” he holds her hand. Nene nods “just a little…tired…” in actuality she felt her soul being pulled even more in 2 different directions. 

"Can you still hold on senpai?" Kou looks at her worried. Nene nods clearly strained, "Im ok we have to get their soon. Thats all I care about"

Kou looks toward her giving a nod as well.
He's worried not only his senpai but Hanako as well. It would only be a matter of time before his older brother knows.

There was danger, but for whom?

He isn't sure.

They finally approach the familiar gated property of an old school building.

"There it is! Just a little longer senpai!" Kou calls out. He swings open the rusty gate down the pathway.

He stops looking back, "senpai are you ok?"

Nene was stuck at the gate. 

A barrier. 

She stood frozen. "Kou kun… I cant get through"

Its fulling at her.

"K-keep trying senpai"

Nene pushes but if feels like hitting a flexible wall. The rumor once again seems to have a choke hold on her. Why could she make it to tbe appartment complex but not enter the gate of her school?!

"I-I know this is a bad time to tell you this but Akane senpai isnt the only one in trouble"

Nene looks at Kou teary eyed," Hanako as well."

She seemed to freeze at that statement. "Hanako kun?" As in the same Hanako who is strong enough to strike down a pair of giant scissors and a yokai older then the both of them. Hanako as in myschivious boy who despitd the teasing is the one she can rely on when she needs help. 

2 of the people she is close to need help.

"Look I know this isnt going to be easy senpai but you just have to push with all your…might" he looks at her stunned.

With all the force she can muster she puts one foot in front anchoring herself as she pushes with all the strength her form can muster.

Her hands pushing with such force. Kou watched hoping she could make it through.

First she felt one hand pass through freely.

Then the other; her arms falling right through allowing her to pass with ease.

She regains balance. As much as both of them wanted to do so there was no time to cheer, they needed to get to the old building NOW.

They dash into the hallways, Kou gets many looks some were adults telling him to stop running but he didnt listen.

Nene somehow surpassed him. Maybe it was because she didnt have to dodge and weave. Maybe it could of been sheer will power but she only had one thought on her mind. 


Up the stairs, into the old building they get. Nene felt a sudden shift in energy suddenly not feeling so good. She leans against the stairwell rail almost fazing through luckily Kou catches her.

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