Chapter fifteen: Word catches wind

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Kou is on the way to the bathroom finding Hanako. He keeps everything secure and carries the scale in his pocket.

In class he seemed back to normal talking to his friends and what not.

At the end of the day he headed for the third floor when he made it to the top he carefully made his way through dodging wires and still hearing the sound of glass pieces crack at his feet.

Seeing the water flooding from the door he opted just to knock on the door.


No answer.

He was about to open the door.

"Ah if it isnt you." A voice came from behind.

Kou spins around staff in hand. Then he saw it was the ghost he was looking for lets out a sigh of relief.

"Why did you scare me?" 

"Because its funnn" he laughs seemingly normal. 

Kou takes a step toward him. Hanako flinches at a sudden feeling.

"Uh- not too close boy. Please…" He feels an odd urge.

Kou nods respectfully stepping back.

"Well I got the letter from Senpai." He holds up the piece of paper. Suprisingly Hanako doesnt take it by his own hands he gets a Hakujoudai to retrieve it.

Hanako looks at it squinting, "you really do have messy writing… no 5 is right about that…" he deadpans.

"Wha- no!" Kou flushes, " Says the one who uses his whole fist when he writes! I bet thats how you use your chopstips when you did eat!"

The ghost boy took offence, "so did you have a preschooler write it then?"

"No I did- well- Technically senpai couldnt hold the pen so I helped guide her strokes…" he looks down.

Hanako noticed the stray marks at the beginning. But what caught his attention was the messy attempt of a heart at the end of the characters. He frowns a little. But he also feels- a little happy.

It really is her…

"If you still dont believe-" Kou digs into his pocket 

"No I believe-"

"I have this!" He takes the irrident scale out.

Hanako eyes it. Snatching it from the blonde in a heart beat. It looked freshly picked.

"Where did you… how did she…"

"She told me to give it to you." Kou looks at him. 

Hanako looks at it.

He rubs it with his thumb. Then places it in his pocket for safe keeping. 

"I'll keep it with me." 

Kou felt relieved to see an unhostile Hanako for once. Though the water leaking from the bottem of the bathroom door drew his attention.

"Also Hanako whats going on in the-"

"Just stay out of there for now." He floats in front of the door.

Kou jolts at that.

"In fact…kid… for the mean time just stay away from me…"

"What do you mean?" Kou looks at him in worry.

"Well- for some reason I- just suddenly have been having this urge since yesterday…I dont know how I can best describe it- but for now, I need you and anyone else to stay away from the 3rd floor much less near my bathroom. I don't know how much longer I can keep my composure so just- stay away."

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