Chapter Seventeen: A Decision is Made

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The sun begins to rise slowly bleeding from the horizon of the dark sky. The streets begin to get a little nosy. Nene wakes up from her dreamless sleep. Kou stretches.

"Kou kun?" She says half awake.

"Morning Senpai!" He smiles at her clearly tired but a big grin none the less. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well- I guess…but-"
Kou's watch beeps "oh- I need to go now but now you should be safe for the rest of the day

"You did not have to stay here Kou kun-"

"I wanted to. And I promise we will go to your apartment after school."

"We- we will?" 

"Yeah, just in case you wander off again where do you wanna meet up?"

"Here is fine I guess."

"Alright, senpai see you later! Stay safe!" 

You too Kou kun” Nene waves, she feels so much more energized then she should feel

Kou makes it back to his friends house through the window.

"Ah there you are Kou!" Sayto says.

"You were gone for so long!” , Yokou interjects.

“You left your phone-We even got called by your brother earlier, checking up on you we told him you were in the shower.”

“Speaking of probably could use one. You definitely dont smell that sweet” saytou waves his hand.

Kou agrees now noticing as well. It wouldnt line up if he showed up to school not that fresh to his brother.

“Wait did you bring a spare uniform? I dont think you can go to school wearing that.” Yokou points out as he is tying his own tie and Saytou is in the middle of buttoning up his collar.

Kou was currently wearing just a t shirt and shorts. He looks through his bag his uniform is no where to be found. The young exorcist hangs his head in defeat, when he was putting stuff in his bag he moved his folded up uniform to make room for the sleeping bag.

“Oh Minamoto…what ever will we do with you, its alright though you can borrow one of mine” Yokou offers taking a set off the hanger.

“Thanks.” he then goes to take a shower.


Earlier, At the minamoto residence, Teru was already up- one of those rare times. He was used to the routine of his younger brother waking him up- well except recently.

He went into Kou’s room turning on a light- he forgot his brother wasnt here, “right he he’s sleeping over for studying.”  

The older brother notices his clothes folded on the floor, “Guess he forgot them” 

“Better call him to make sure” he takes out his phone letting it ring.

When it picked up he was met with not so familiar voices.


“Hi may I speak to Kou?”

“Eh he’s not here right now…”
Teru quirked an eye brow. “What do you mean not there?”

“Hes in the shower! We uh fell asleep early last night”

“Ah- well I just wanted to let him know he left his uniform here.”

“Dont worry he can use one of mine today.” 

Teru sighs in relief.

“Thank you,” he then hangs up the phone. He picks up Kou’s uniform to put on a hanger.when a paper falls out of the pocket.

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