Chapter four: Denial

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Kou is on his way to the bathroom first thing in the morning. He had his bag in hand in a vice  grip. He is usually one for truth, however today this is an exception. Today, he lies. He will keep the lie that Nene is just sick...for Hanako's sake, her classmates' sake, for everyone's sake, including his sake.

It feels better to just convince yourself someone is gone for a short while. They'll be back. 

She will be back tomorrow with that lovely smile.

Maybe she will come back next week.

Maybe it was all just a nightmare and she will be back today. Oh he will have to find out.

He approaches the old girls bathroom.

He enters.

"Aw hi kid! How is our lovely daikon fairing?" Hanako smiles.

"She is doing well, she should be back in a few days. Yashiro sama was very thankful for the soup and I told her I would revisit today" kou says

"Ok thanks for telling me, tell her I said hi! Now off to your classes wouldn't want you to be late" With that he shoved the blond out the door.

Kou wasn't a good liar but to an extent it was easy somehow like the slip of his tongue. Lying is wrong to do but...for this it feels right..- but it isn't a lie it's the truth...right?

A second day passed.

And once again he said the same. He went to her house, and she is doing fine.

But he never went to her house...he felt odd just going near it...maybe it was from that nightmare...Kou was sure she was fine. 

A third day passed. 

Hanako once again asks how the girl is feeling and once again the boy says the same.

A fourth day passes.

Same question receiving the same answer.

A fifth day passes 

Hanako now has a different aura as he asks the question. Kou responds with the same almost numb answer. One has a varying patience as the other continues to deny the truth.

Rumors slowly creep around about police near a student's complex.

Many claimed a student has gone missing.

Some believe they were arrested.

Others claimed it may have been a suicide.

And the name that varied spread like wildfire.

But Kou didn't pay any mind to them. Akane kept Aoi from this only rumor.

Hanako is beginning to get impatient. Kou assumes he just wants to see her again.

Today Kou decides to make it more convincing. He takes out some ingredients retracing the steps he did in home economics with his senpai. 

First mixing, then kneading dough, shaping them into round rings. Then put them in oil. And-


Fresh donuts!

Teru stood at the kitchen entrance as the delectable aroma wafted through the house. He noticed water dripping on the counter. from his brother…

It was tears and silent sniffling.

"Kou." Teru says.

The younger blond turns around, tears streaming down his face.

"What's the matter?" Teru gives a sympathetic look.

"Nothing, just had a nightmare I don't wanna talk about it…" the younger one turns away from his direction 

'That's it,' he thought. "Something is bothering Kou,  and I'm going to get to the bottom of it."

"Kou, I'm going for a walk, need anything from the store while I'm out?" Teru looks to his brother.

"Maybe some eggs we are low on them" Kou gave a smile that did not reach the look in his eyes.

"Alright I'll get some."

"Waiiittt!!! Teru nii! Teru nii! Please let Tiara go with you!" The little girl tugs on his pants leg holding her Mokke named Fairy by the ears.

"Sorry princess not this time, I'll be back soon." He smiles.


As Teru exits the store, he spots someone in an alleyway. He frowns.

"Oh so this is where Yashiro San has been."


To be continued.

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