Chapter Thirteen: Luck is Not Always on One's Side

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Kou came back home that night. his brother Took note of this. However he has an exorcism tonight.

It was the hours of the ox. The worst hours. The cursed ones.

He finally finished and was heading back home for the night. He thought about Yashiro Nene though he decided to see if she is there still.

As he gazed into the alley there was no sight of her just annoying spirits. The bigger ones he described to squash and sighed.

"Yashiro san. If you are still here. I will be back next week. I pray that you try to find peace because if you're here too long...I will have no choice but to send you away myself...You can not let yourself become stay here too long would only end in tragedy..." he stated into the darkness as it echoed.

He then walked away leaving the warning.

Nene heard this...she hid as soon as she heard footsteps. The tense aura lingers as she is hugging a mokke close to her chest for comfort. She could feel his dangerous aura. If they don't get her to the school fast enough- what will become of what's left of her?...

The next day Kou goes to school and approaches the third floor already he can feel a headache, "Hanako is in a bad mood..." he said, feeling his hair go up as he walked up the stairs. Mitsuba pops out from a reflection grabbing him by the arm with a vice grip.

"Don't go up there." he warns.

Kou shakes him off, surprised. Why was he so shaken up all of a sudden? "Mitsuba what's the problem?"

"No 7 is." the pink head states.

"But I need to tell him I found Yashiro senpai-" Mitsuba doesn't listen and instead pulls him into the world of the looking glass.

"What are you-"

"Look over here." he points. A quarter of the mirrors were, were in pieces only a few were still in frame. Kou takes a look at them. 

When he saw the 3rd floor's condition his eyes widened. It was a horrifying state to see. "What happened to this place...was it...him?" he says vaguely as he looks at Mitsuba. Mitsuba doesn't meet his gaze and shakes his head, "no. 7. He destroyed the entire 3rd floor." Mitsuba guides him to where the bathroom mirror is. It was shattered but from bits and pieces the could make out whats left of the girl's bathroom and Hanako sitting on the still intact toilet of the 3rd stall. He thought he has seen everything Hanako was capable but was horribly  mistaken.  "Have any of the mysteries done anything?" Kou asked. Mitsuba shook his head. "They're all too scared of his aura. He's their leader not many of them can fight like crazy knife."

This would remind Kou as to what his brother said to him, "if you cant keep him in check I will have no choice but to take him off your hands." He might reach that point. "I gotta put some sense into him." 

Mitsuba glares at him.

"You know how stupid that sounds... do you not see the state of the bathroom?!"

"Well its clear senpai is the only one who can stop him. And I know what happened to her."

" well what happened then?" Mitsuba put his hands on his hips.

"We found her in an alleyway. She..." Kou hesitates to finish tears building up, "she...she's not alive...she's not alive Mitsuba..." his voice breaks a little

The supernatural frowns, he watched everything that day. Worried for Kou he watched carefully when the news was spilled that the girl was murdered even the the pain. that soon ensued.  "She didn't deserve it. I know Radish senpai did not deserve it..." he tries to confort the blonde

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