Chapter Twelve: Risky Rumors and Afterthoughts

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"I know how we can get you out of here"

Nene looked at him. She saw what he ment "but- how can we do that Kou kun? Rumors dont spread very well?"

"Well...we just need someone who has a big influence." He says..

"Someone like Aoi chan..." Akane spoke up.

Nene stood up on edge, "wait- but-"

"Don't worry Yashiro san she doesnt know. Your mom told her your sick."

Nene's stomach dropped again... but she bit back any tears from forming.


"We can twist the rumors and get them more wide spread but we dont have to be specific." Kou suggested.

"That could work... but I want to say something straight, do not involveAoi chan in this. Surely you can find a way to spread them with out her knowing. I dont want to hurt her. You of all people would have to agree with me Akane kun." Nene finally decides.

Akane looks at her conveying his options.. On one hand he could stop Hanako's tantrum quicker...but on the other hand...he and his former classmate seem to be on the same page with Aoi. Keeping her away would be better. But before he could voice his opinion.

"Well we will leave it up for you to decide senpai, its your choice. " Kou says. After all who is he to decide whats best for his friend. He's just happy to see her.

"Well- its your decision Yashiro san" Akane looks at her.

"I...I dont want to involve Aoi....I mean we can figure something out right? Rumors just need to be enough to get me moving

The sun started to set in the distance Nene grew antsy.

"Senpai we-"

Just then Kou got a phone call from his brother asking if he had dinner yet.

Much to Nene's relief and dismay they had to leave. She finally got to talk to someone. It makes her feel a little less hallow. But now she once again wonders how her mother is doing. She probably already knows. But how she died? She cant remember. Despite the rumors maybe it could of been an accident. Its too fuzzy to recall... but as soon as the more scary spirits begin making themselves present she busies herself with running away from them once again. Trying to get on the street with the few people who walk it for some kind of comfort...

Kou walks alone. Umbrella in hand. At night he keeps a good grip on it. He's finally accepted the awful truth. It pains him. But he can't deny it any longer. He really failed to keep her alive...

As he walks back he hears people mentioning her street. Her rumor. They go back and forth to say she is vengeful toward her murderer... he remembers that day...that awful day of what he heard from inside her apartment.

She was was true...but she wasn't vengeful...she just looked tired and drained. Even very lonely. He was confident that his senpai wasn't entirely aware of her death. She must not know.

Murdered...that's what he heard...and that's what he told Hanako... he can still picture Hanako's black expression.

But at least he found her, maybe it will calm the toilet apparition down. But what will go on when he tells Hanako tomorrow. how will he take it?...

What will happen then?...

Akane gets home. Feeling mixed on one hand he managed to find his former classmate and possibly stop no7 from destroying the school.... On the other... the only means on getting her to Kamome was through getting to spread rumors. On the account of Aoi not finding out....keep it a secret that the rumor is her close friend. And another problem his boss's tantrum. 3 weeks...that's all he has...

He slumps in his chair looking to the window. Thankfully, his next door neighbor isnt there. Must be busy. Normally that was make him sad but in a sense... its a relief after today.

Though Aoi is beginning to look more worried As she paces more each passing night she closes her curtain when she sees Akane is present.

He thinks back to what Hanako said. If that was Aoi. Things would be different.

As the street lights turn on and Akane takes off his glasses he looks out the window. he notices larger Yokai walking the streets...

"Hopefully Yashiro san will be alright..."

Nene unfortunately was in for another rough night on the streets... at least she had the mokke to comfort her.

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