Chapter two: Down with Sickness

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Hanako sits in the bathroom window as he watches the world revolve with the same students going to and from classes. While he remains in place as time is irreverent for him.

 He had his time and he already nailed his coffin long ago. 

However, for his lovely assistant and the young Minamoto he knows their clock is still ticking... for now at least.

Its hard for him to keep track of days or months.

In measured time- its been about a week since his beloved assistant as well as friend has shown up to bathroom duties or much less school. 

He has done his rounds through the school to her classes as he knows her schedule by heart after bothered her in class so many times.

 Most of the classes he floated into he had no issues aside from no.1-a student named Akane Aoi who resides in Yashiro's class year- who gave him him a glare before sliding his glasses back up.

 The other issue when going into the science room only for his former teacher to give him a knowing glance. 

To his dismay their were no signs of the thick ankled girl anywhere.

The only sources he had were watered down rumors.

Many saying she has been out sick, 

Some saying she is out of town.

Others saying she is dead.

But that last one seems extreme and he sincerely prays that is not the case. 

She never mentioned about saying she will be gone for a week or so.

So a out of town is off the table.

Sick seems likely.


death is on the uncertainty.

His thought process was cut off as a kick to the door and a voice exclaiming "Hanako!" 

Oh how he knows who that is. 

"Hey kid what brings you here." The boy floats over nonchalantly.

"Did you hear about Senpai?"

"What about? Yashiro?" Hanako plays dumb

"I heard for akane senpai that she is out sick!" The kid says.

Hanako mentally lets out of sigh of relief.

"She's sick? Oh what a shame I was wondering who would was going to scrub the toilets-" he receives a bonk to the head


"Ita ita...I'm just messing around with you boy what do you propose to do with this information?" Hanako rubs his noggin.

"Well I decided to make this miso soup in home ec today, I make this whenever Teru nii or my little sister gets sick." The blond beams.

Hanako cant help to grimace at the mere mention of the dreaded Minamoto Teru. 

Nonetheless, he keeps his composure smiling. 

"Aw that's thoughtful, I wish I could give Yashiro something too" he smirks with a fake pout.

"Actually," the blond looks down digging into his pockets "you can".

He holds out a pen and a card with the words,

"Get well soon Yashiro Nene"

It wasn't the nicest writing but it was legible enough. He assumes it was the kid's writing.

Hanako took hold of the pen with his fist as the blond opens up the card to reveal many signatures from her classmates, her best friend, and even some teachers. 

Even surprisingly, the writing of the kid's homeroom teacher, Tsuchigomori. Though the pen strokes felt hesitant but he knows Tsuchigomori just doesn't like to involve himself with participating in stuff like this. So its no big deal.

 Hanako payed no mind to it, he saw the perfect spot to write on, in wobbly crude lettering he wrote his name. 

He gave Kou back the card. 

"I think Senpai is going to be really happy now that she knows we are thinking about her" Kou grins.

Hanako couldn't help but to chuckle at the young Minamoto's optimism. 

"Anyway Im going to go drop off this soup and card off at Senpai's see ya tomorrow Hanako!" Kou waves with one hand while his other holds the endearing presents for his sick friend.

Hanako sits back against the frame of the door way arms crossed with his face tugging up in a small sincere smile. As a small amount of weight was lifted off his shoulders. He watches the blond disappear out the gates of the evening sky 

"You're a good kid." He mutters to himself before returning to his bathroom.


As Kou walks down the street of the yashiro residence he notes a parked police cruiser. 

Something about the sight sends an indescribable feeling of dread but he shakes it off and continues his quest to cheer up his  friend and bring down the sickness. 


A discovery was made...

 He dropped everything.

To be continued...

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