Chapter Fourteen: A Paper, a Pen and a Scale

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" dumb @#$ Teru nii is gonna exorcize you, if you cant keep yourself together...and I told senpai you're ok." Kou held him by the shoulders.

"I...", he truely did mess up, "can you promise me Yashiro is safe that she isn't suffering?..." he looks at the young exorcist. Kou hesitated, "well... she is in a bit of a confined area...but its not for me to say"

Hanako thought for a moment, "I have an idea but..." he turns to the unconscious students, "we should do something about this first..."

Kou nods, "Teru nii can not find out about this you know..." Hanako cracks a fake smile masking his true feelings again, "what are you basically helping me hide evidence of a crime, boy?"

"W-why do you have to say it like that Hanako geez, Im only doing this so you're not exorcized." he grimaced. Kou decides to call Akane for help moving the students

In the infirmary they took all three boys after they had to have Akane's help.

"So what is your plan No. 7? It better be a good one because I don't wanna be responsible for the paperwork. That bastard is always at my neck and coming up with an excuse for this one is not going to be an easy cover up, unless he's sleep deprived enough that is." Akane complains.

"You could simply say there was an accident on the stairs." Hanako says with a smile yet it still has zero warmth to it. Its fake just like it always was except more unsettling then ever.

"Y-yeah it did happen near the stairs" Kou tries to reason.

"Yeah sure and blame it on no 2's stairs? Oh wait- you removed her position." Akane stares at Hanako coldly.

"I had to stop her; she was out of control" he shrugs. "You mean like what you were just earlier?" Kou says.

Hanako looks back at him saying nothing. "Hanako I promised Teru nii I would keep an eye on you and if this gets any worse-"

"Minamoto said you had 3 weeks to calm down or he would exorice you. But thanks to that little outburst you might not have that much time now." Akane eyes him. Hanako feels a little intimidated but doesn't visibly show it.

"Well lets hear more about Yashiro. I want proof that she is still here." he changes topic.

"And how do we do that?" Kou asks.

"Its easy kid, ever see her write?" Hanako said taking a paper from Kou's bag.

"HEY! Thats my assignment!" Kou protests. "You can just get another one from your no. 5 He is your home room teacher right?"

"Well yes but-"

"Then its settled." Hanako takes a pencil and writes on the back.


If this is really you, write your name.



"Give this to her when you leave" Hanako said.

Akane grimaces, "I can't believe I am lying to that bastard just to protect this slimy one," he shuts the door behind him.

The rest of the time Kou and hanako didn't talk much. they just looked at the students.

At the end of the day went to the street near the convenience store. He attempted to tell a rumor but he got a side eye. Rumor spreading will be harder then he thought. So he walked around calling out for his senpai.

Maybe she's not here...

"Good afternoon kou kun." Nene beams from behind

Kou jolts in suprize, "ah- Senpai you startled me. Good afternoon to you too. How are you today."

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