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Lisa: Hey Y/n baby!
Y/n: Hey unniee!(smiling widely)......Unnie where are the others?(confused)
Lisa: Oh...They have some work they will be joining us for lunch.(smile)
Y/n: Oh ok unnie...Come lets go to the class or we will get detention.
Lisa: Sure.... lets go!
[Time skip] (sorry I'm lazy😇)


Dad called downstairs to say something important. We went downstairs and saw dad sitting in living room.
Namjoon: Dad u wanted to talk about something?(confused)
Dad: yeah..... Come have a seat.
All go and settled down
Jimin: Dad do we have a new mission?
Dad: No....I wanna tell you that I have a girlfriend.
Dad: Yes...and we are getting married!
Dad: watch your tone boy(glaring)
Suga: What she is just with u for money? What if she's a gold digger?
Dad: No she's not I have been dating her for a year now.
Jimin: I'm not gonna accept her!(angry)
V,suga: Me neither!
They said and left.
Dad: Come right back here(angry)
Namjoon:I will talk to them don't worry dad.
Dad: U better!
J-hope: Dad u sure about this? Does she know about us being mafia?
Dad: yes I'm sure and NO! She doesn't.
Dad: And they will come in evening for dinner come home early!
Dad: Ah yes I forgot to tell you that she has a daughter. U will be having a sister.
With that he left
In Jin's room
Jimin: Jin hyung why were you so quite back then? U didn't say anything!(confused)
Jin: Because I know he won't change his decision anyway.
J-hope: Hyung do we have any information about them?
Yoongi: I already send Robert to bring their information.
Jin: Ok...We should get going or we will be late for school.
Bts(except jin): Ne(yes) hyung
Before going out Robert came with file of information and handed to Yoongi. He bowed and left.
In the limo
Jin: Yoongi check the file!
Yoongi: Dad girlfriend is Ms:Choi Ara.
Namjoon: You mean his Secretary
Yoongi nooded
Jimin: So he is dating is Secretary?
Yoongi: Apparently yes and she has a daughter named Choi Y/n.
Jungkook: What else about her daughter?
Jimin: Why are u so excited kookie?
Jungkook:I will be having a sister, why wouldn't I? I always wanted one u know.(smiling)
Jin: ok that's enough....What about Y/n?
Yoongi: well she's 18 same as kookie and goes to the same school as us and is friends with black pink.
J-hope: What that's it?
Yoongi: Yes that's it.
Jungkook: Hyung do you have her pic?
Yoongi: Yes.....here!
Handed him the file
Jungkook: She's pretty!
We arrived arrived and girls started screaming their lungs out
Girl1:oppa be mine
Girl2:Jimin oppa I love u
Girl4:Jungkook oppa,Namjoon oppa.....
We passed by them and to our classes
Jungkook pov
I went to my class which was dance class and girl started screaming again. I glared them and the immediately shut their mouths and I smirked.
Y/n pov
Dance teacher=Dt
Dt: ok class settle down.... Today we will have solo dance an group dance so first will come Y/n
Y/n: sure sir

(Credit to owner)
Dt: Thank you Y/n!
Y/n: It's my pleasure sir!(bowed)
Jungkook: I want to see more.
Dt: Y/n can you plz(scared)
Y/n:sure sir!

Credit to owner
Dt: Thank you
Jungkook: I want to see more
After two more performance
Jungkook: I want to see more
I smirked and started dancing

II finished and class started cheering
Boy1: Y/n be mine
Boy7: Y/n you're so hot
And so on but immediately shut their mouths after receiving a glare from Jungkook
The bell rang and we went out of the class and went to next one.
[Time skip to lunch]
At cafeteria
Bts's table
Jin: So did anyone saw Y/n?
Bts(except jin and jk): No
Now all attention was at him
Jungkook: I did
Jimin: When?
Jungkook:she's in my class
J-hope: What are u watching kookie?
Jungkook: Y/n's dance
J-hope: I wanna watch it too
Namjoon: set it in the middle
Everyone was amazed by her moves but when the fifth dance started they become furious
Jimin: How can she dance like this in front of everyone!?
Jin: where are u going?
J-hope:To talk to Y/n
Namjoon: we will see them talk to them at home today
On the other hand
Y/n pov
Jennei,lisa,jisso,rose:Hey baby!
Jisso: Come lets eat!
Bp and Y/n: Ne eomma
Jisso: yah! Don't call me eomma
We ate our lunch and and the rest of the classes went smoothly
The bell rang indicating that school is over. I went home and saw a note from mom
Note: Y/n I have some work so I will not come home, I will just pick u up at 7. Be ready! Love mom
I read it and went to my room I change into something comfortable and took a nap. I woke up at 6 so decide to get ready. I took shower and wore my outfit and got ready. Soon mom arrived and saw me

Mom: Y/n you're looking beautifulY/n: Thank you mom

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Mom: Y/n you're looking beautiful
Y/n: Thank you mom....Let's go?
Mom: Sure come on
Time skip
Mom: Were here!

Let's go?Mom: Sure come onTime skipMom: Were here!

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Mom rang the bell and a man came out. This must be mr Kim. He peck my mom's lips I made a disgusted face
Y/n: Yah! Get a room
My mom turned red and glare me
Mr kim: You must be Y/n
Y/n: yes nice to meet you Mr.Kim
Mr.Kim: nice to meet you too....come let's go inside
We went inside and Mr kim called the maid an said.
Mr.Kim: Go and call them.
Y/n: who are they?(confused)
Mr.Kim: my sons.
I looked at mom confused and just gave me a sheepish smile. I glared at mom but she ignored it. After some time we heard footsteps. And the next I saw made me shock. They were none other than..........BTS
The biggest bullies of our school are going to be my Step brothers!?

Mafia step siblings(bts ff) Ot7 ffWhere stories live. Discover now