Chapter 43

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Y/n: I don't care rn....I know something must have happened bcz they suddenly attacked us. And I'm sure it was just to distract us.

Joon: Ur right! Now hyung tell us already.

Jin: Dad is kidnapped from his office room!

Everyone sx jin: WHAT!!?


Suga: How come this even happen?

Hobi: Yeah even in this tight security how can he be kidnapped?

Y/n: There's no time to figure this out

Joon: Yeah we need to save him.

Jk: But how? that's the question rn!

Jimin: We need a plan ofc!

Tae: We need our team!

Jin: Call everyone at the mansion! Rn! There's no time to waste! Let's go!

Everyone left for the Kim mansion and txt, blackpink ans Eunwoo were also informed to come to the Kim mansion!

Time skip to the meeting room

Everything was informed to the other team as well!

Y/n: Our main goal is to save dad and get that Bastard!

Joon: Team A: Jin, tae, jk, Rose, Me, Beomgyu and Jun will fight the guards and clear the way.

Y/n: Team B: the rest except our hacker Suga, Jisoo and Taehyun will be leading us in and we'll find Dad!

Hobi: y/n I'm still not convinced abt you joining the mission like this

Y/n: Hyung I'll be fine and I'm going no more discussion.

Eunwoo: After we find Uncle we have to catch him live! Ofc we can't just let him die with a single bullet.

Tae: Ok than let's get ready for the mission.

Jin:We're leaving for the mission tomorrow night!

Suga: Now all you rest and get ready for tomorrow

All of them nodded and went to their rooms. Eunwoo took Y/n to her room
and gently placed on her bed.

He knelt down in front of her and said

Eun: Jagi?

Y/n looked up at him and hummed in response.

Eun: (smiled) Don't worry ok? Nothing will happen to uncle! Or Any one! Hmm?

Y/n: Hmm. I hope so cuz after losing mom I don't think I can risk to lose anyone now! (sigh)

Eun: Get some rest love! Come let's sleep for some time!

Y/n: I don't feel like sleeping Nunu~

Eun: Hmm.... So u want to eat something? Come let's go Jin hyung also said lunch will be ready in sometime!

Y/n: Eunwoo pls! I don't want to!

Eunwoo:Y/n if you are going to be like this how will you get to save your father?

Eunwoo: Now come on before Jin hyung comes and scold us!

Y/n: Ok........let's go!

Eunwoo: That's like my good girl!

Time skip to Mission night

Y/n pov

Y/n: So everyone ready? (loading gun)

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