Chapter 44

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A dark abandoned place it was. Screeching sounds of tires were heard as many cars stopped Infront of the abandoned place. The guards outside the building immediately pointed their guns at the 8 people which revealed themselves getting out of the car.

Y/n: You seriously wanna do this now? (Uninterested) Take us to your boss!

Her tone was chilling and sent shiver down the spines of the guards.  One of them came forward and checked if the siblings which stood Infront of them some were even bleeding a lil from the previous blast.

Guard: Follow me! And don't try to act funny or else you all will die!!

He warned making the Kim's scoff. They all reached an open area where they found their father wounded and bleeding! He was chains in hanging position but his feet were still touching the ground. He seemed to be unconscious after so much beating and loss of blood which was continuously flowing from his wounds.

Kim's: Dad! (They wanted to go to him support him and wake him up but were held back by the guards)

Jk: Let me go you B*stard! (He cursed and was about to punch the guard that tried to hold him back)

???: Tsk tsk tsk.....(Shaking his head)

???: Much impatient aren't we? Why? Are u angry after seeing your father like this?~

The Kim were bewildered upon seeing the most unexpected person Infront of them. The right hand and the man most close to their father was standing there grinning seeing the condition of their father and the siblings. It seemed to satisfy him.

Y/n: Kang Ji won...(His name only as a whisper bcz it was unbelievable that he could betray like this)

Ji won: Yes Me~ why shocked? (Chuckles with an evil grin)

Jin: Why u betrayed us like this? (His tone was cold and voice was laced with anger)

Suga: Dad treated u like a brother and u betrayed him like this! (He voice was calm but again non could ignore the underlying anger and urge to kill)

The guards that were holding them a few moments ago were now pointing their guns at them where as the person Infront of them was laughing like a maniac.

Let our father go!

Jimin who was quite for some time voiced out with the calmness in his voice but his facial expressions said otherwise.

Ji won: And what for? (Chuckles) What would I get in return? 🤔

You let him go and you won't die as painfully~ and if u tell who really is behind all this crap we might even spare your life! So what say?

This time it was Namjoon with his infamous authoritative voice and calm nature. He offered him a deal thinking he would be smart enough to grab the opportunity but ofc~

Ji won: You think I'm a fool don't you! (Scoff) I would never accept your dumb offer

Indeed a fool you are~ well can't blame you, you have a peanut sized Brain anyway.

Taehyung sassed as he gave an expressionless face to the person Infront making him go red in anger!

Ji won: Finish them all and this old B***** as well!

He ordered the guards and that was when Kim siblings knocked them all out one moment. Ofc this was no surprise to Ji won as he knew already what they were capable of but his *now* boss seemed to underestimate them. He cursed under his breath and before he could call the guards Hoseok placed the tip of the gun in his mouth.

Nah uh~ not this fast Ji won.

Hoseok spoke as the other took a step to free their father but another figure took all their attention making them stop on their tracks.....

Jin: Uncle Hyun! (He was in the state of denial and utter shock)

Yoongi on the other hand wasn't as shocked as Jin same going to the others. By now they knew it was someone close who betrayed them and they were right! It was indeed their only family member their father and they were close with.

Kim Hyun Su

Hyun: Oh my dear niece and nephews are already here I see~ (sly grin) what happened babies? Why so shocked?(Smirk)

knew you would turn out to be a snake! I already warned dad but he trusted u!

Jungkook said with bitterness as he glared the person Infront pointing his gun at him to which Hyun didn't even flinch or least affected in the slightest way!

Hyun: oh my dear brother must've loved me so much ryt? But he was the one who ruined my life for me! (His eyes darkened as he spoke)

Dad did nothing to u! Instead he trusted u and u being his brother didn't stop form back stabbing him? U ruined our lives! My childhood, my family everything is ruined bcz of you! You! You're the reason of everything!

Y/n yelled out her pain as she stopped her tears from spilling still gripping her gun tightly.

Today it's going to end! Today we're putting an end to the game you've been playing! By simply putting an end to u!

It was Yoongi again who said it. But on the snap of his mere finger the place fill with guards. The Kims weren't faced by it and kept their positions.

Hyun: You were saying something Yoongi?~ You know what you're right we will put an end to this game today by Killing 'you' all~

You think you're the only one who could do that?

Namjoon voiced out with a mocking tone at elder mocking him about the guards. It was than that he didn't even move a finger and gunshots were Heard from everywhere. Now the place was filled with more guards and some unexpected people.

Yeonjun: What's up fellas?~

Hyun: How-

Tsk tsk tsk.....poor you~

Taehyung sassed once again followed by a chuckle seeing his bewildered face.

So you wanna surrender now or~

Jin asked with a calm composed voice this time with a sly smirk dancing on his handsome face.
It made Txt and the rest of the siblings smirk as well!

{According to the plan their cars had trackers through which Txt found them all. BP and Enwoo on the other hand were on the mission to destroy everything the person had when it will reveal who the person was. And that's what exactly happened. As soon they knew it was Hyun Su they started their work so he has nothing but dirt in his hands}

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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