Chapter 31

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Heyyyyy loves!! I'm back! Finally my exams are over today so as i promised I'm gonna do the update! Also i have a request for you all hope that you will do it? Can u? Please? Ur author actually needs it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺! Ik u all are Army's so can u subscribe to my channel? Please?

Please subscribe!! @bts Cyber-shot.

Let's continue! And thank u if u really subscribe! I'm very greatful!

A/n pov

Y/n knew that her brothers will be angry, sad, and disappointed in her! Even she left her boyfriend without a good bye! She was kinda disappointed in her own self too. But what could she do now........she promised to find the killer of her mother and father.

She took a deep breath and sat in her seat and fasten her seat belt. The plane took off. She was just sitting and thinking deeply.

??? Pov

I sitting and the girl next to me was just thinking deeply. U was also kinda getting bored so I thought of starting a convo.

?? : Umm......excuse me?

Y/n: Umm yes u need something?

???: Actually no! U were just thinking so deeply! Something bothering u?

Y/n: No it's nothing actually!

???: U can share if u want to! By the way my name is Moon bin! Nice to meet u!

Y/n:Hi my name is Y/n! Nice to meet you too.

Time skip (flight landed)

Y/n pov

Me and moon bin talked through the whole flight! He is cool actually.... I liked talking to him he actually reminded me of my brothers.

We came out with our luggage and we were waiting for our rides.

Moon bin: It was nice talking to you Y/n. But uk u should call me oppa. I'm older than u!

Y/n: I don't like oppa! So I could call you hyung!

Moon bin: Wah thanks Y/n! I feel like i got a sister now! Wait i really got one!

I chuckled a little seeing his childish behavior.

Y/n: Yeah u got a sister! My rides here! Hope we meet again.

Moonbin: oh wait y/n can i have ur number? Let's meet someday for coffee?

Y/n: Yeah sure!

We exchanged numbers and i left from there.

While in Kim mansion.

Non of the brothers could sleep. Mr. Kim again left early for company. Everyone was just sitting and not even touching the food placed on the table.

Jin pov

Everyone was sitting just staring at the food silently. I sighed and spoke breaking the silence.

Jin:Stop staring and start eating!

Tae: I don't have an apatite hyung! I don't wanna eat anything.

Jimin: Yeah hyung! Me too.

Jk: Same hyung!

Suga also nodded along with hobi agreeing with the makneas.

Namjoon sighed.

Joon:Listen to me! If u all wanna really find Y/n u need to eat and take care of yourself. U can't do it like this.
We need to find our sister but we can't  find her like this.

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