Chapter 20

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Jin: Guys!

Every body looked at him. His eyes were watery. This made everyone concerned. Hobi came to him....
Hobi: Hyung.....What happened? U okay?
He opened his mouth to speak but the words weren't coming out.
Jin: M-mom and D-dad a-re in hos-pital.
Y/n/bts: What!?
Jin: Their plane crashed.....
Hearing this y/n couldn't keep her balance and she was about to fall but Tae was fast enough to catch her.
Tae: Y/n......U ok?
Jimin: Hyung let's go what are we waiting for!

With that everybody left for hospital.

Time skip to hospital.

Everybody rushed inside and Namjoon asked at the reception. While everyone else was trying their best to not to breakdown.

Namjoon: Dad is out of danger but mom is in ICU.

Hearing this Y/n fastly ran towards the ICU followed by others. The doctor came out from there and y/n asked.

Y/n: Doc how is she? Is she ok? Doc please say something? (crying hard)
Doctor: Miss please calm down! We tried our best but her condition is very critical.
Jk: can we meet her?
Doc: Sure u can meet her!
Every body entered the ICU and saw her lying there lifeless. Y/n slowly went toward her and said in a soft voice.....
Y/n: M-mom!
She opened her eyes and smiled weakly to her daughter.
Mom: Y/n... My sons.
Suga: we're here mom!
Mom: Sons take care of Y/n and ur father. And ur selves too. Don't over work.
They nooded sadly.
Y/n: Mom what are you saying! Please don't say this. Please be okay!(crying)

Mom: Please be happy y/n! Follow ur dreams. Don't miss me. I'll be always watching you from up.( breathing heavily)

Her heart monitor started beaping fastly.
Mom: I-i l-ove u all! (smile)
And her heart line went straight.

Y/n: wake up. Please!
(crying) M-mom(fainted)

Bts: Y/n!

Jk fastly caught her and carried her bridal style. He took her to the doctor and asked him to check her. The doctor asked him to lay her in the bed in the xxx room. He did as asked.

Time skip

Jin: Doc how's she?
Doc: She's still unconscious. She's weak and because of crying too much she fainted.
Jk: when will she wake up?
Doc: She'll be up in 5-6 hours!
Tae: Can we see her?
Doc: Uh...yes u can.
RM: Thanks doctor!
With that everyone went to see her. She was lying there looking lifeless on the hospital bed and an iv attached to her small hand. Jin went close to her
and sat beside her bed.

Jin: Princess please be okay! I can't see u like this🥺.
Suga: Hyung don't worry she'll be alright! (comforting)
Jimin: Yeah hyung! She's very strong.
Jk: yeah!
Jin nooded.

Here when everyone was comforting jin.. Tae went to know about his father's condition.
Tae entered the room and said.
Tae: Hyung! Appa is awake. U all can see him. I'll be here with Y/n.
Everybody nooded and went to see their father.

Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well. Guys ik this a short chapter but I'll try to write longer one's. But till than bye bye. 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜

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