Chapter 19

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Hey guys welcome back hope you all are safe and healthy. Si let's start with this chapter.

A/N Pov

All went to the ice cream shop where the hyung line was waiting for them.
They sat there they gave their orders.

Jin:What took you guys so long?
RM: yeah! We were waiting for u guys from more than 2 hours!.
Y/n: Actually jk hyung and Tae hyung took 2 hours to complete their shopping.
Jk: also bitch bumped into jimin hyung.

Then he told them what happened there. They all smirk and felt proud of their sister.

Time skip after having ice-cream.

All of them finished their ice cream and took their bags and went to the car. It was already 3 pm when they reach home. Y/n was really tired so she slept while leaning her head on Suga's shoulder. They reach home and Jk took Y/n to her room.
They gave the bags to maids and told them to take them to their rooms.

After that every one went to their room and got freshen up.

Jin pov

I came downstairs to cook lunch for everyone.

After i got fresh up and went to kitchen to make lunch. I thought of just making some healthy salad for everyone. After some time I was done. 
I called everyone downstairs for lunch. Everyone came except Y/n.

 Everyone came except Y/n

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I served the lunch.
Jin:So whose gonna call Y/n?
Jk: I will go.
BTS: Ok.


I went to Y/n's room to wake her up. I opened the door and saw her sleeping peacefully while cuddling with a pillow. She had a cute pout on her angelic face. I giggled at her cuteness.
I went close to her started to shake her to wake her up.

Jk: Y/nieee wake up!
Y/n: 5 more minutes hyung. Please.
Jk: Wake up na jin hyung made lunch. Let's go.

I was trying to wake her up from past 15 minutes. But then I finally gave up. I just went down and sat at my chair.

Jin: Where's Y/n?
Jk:(sigh) She didn't wake up
Then every body looked each other.
V: OK........ I will go and wake her up.

Taehyung pov

I went to her room and saw her sleeping like a baby. I went to her and sit near her. She was sleeping like a baby. Ik I behaved cold with her even after she put her life in danger to save me. But i didn't want to put her in danger. But accepted her as my baby sister.  Ok lets wake her up.....

V: Y/n wake up(cold)
Y/n: Hyung please 5 more mins(sleepy)
V: Y/n don't make me angry.

Y/n pov

I someone waking me up. I said to give me 5 minutes and again slept.

??? : Y/n don't make me angry!

My eyes shoot open when I realized that it was Tae hyung. I sat up straight with my half  losed eyes. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me.
Tae: wash your face and get down to have lunch.
I nooded.

I got up and went wash my face and get freshed up. Actually I'm not scared of him or anything. But i just don't want to angry any of them. Specially Tae hyung. I love them all. They care for me and support me. After sometime I went down to have lunch.

Time skip


I was sitting on the couch with  everyone. Jimin,Taehyung and jk hyung were playing video games. Suga hyung ordered some pizza for everyone. We were enjoying ourselves.

A/n pov

All of the siblings were enjoying and having most happy time of their lives. But their happiness didn't last long.

Jin received a call.


Jin: hello!

Jin: What!?  Where?

Jin: We are coming. We are on our way......

Jin: Guys........

What happened? Who called jin? What will happen? Lets find out next chapter😉. Hey people! How are u all? Hope u are healthy and safe. Stay this way. Bye

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