Step brothers

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They came down and stand in front of me. Jungkook saw me and smirked but I ignored it.
Mom: Y/n introduce yourself!
She glared at me.
Y/n: Hi! My name is Y/n nice to meet you. Boys introduce yourselves
Jin: Hi my name is Jin. And I'm wwh!(smile)
Suga:My name is Yoongi(cold)
Namjoon: Hi my name is Namjoon. Nice to meet you Y/n.(dimple smile)
Y/n: pleasure is mine(smile)
J-hope: Hi I'm your hope you're my hope, I'm J-hope(bright smile)
I smile back
Jimin:Hi I'm Jimin(emotionless)
Taehyung: Hi I'm V(rude)
Jungkook: Hi I'm Jungkook(smirked)
And I smirked back.
Mr kim: Come lets have dinner!
All went in dinning hall. There were two seats left btw jin and mom and jk and V. I sat between jk and V. Everyone was a little surprised by my action but I ignored them. Maid served the dinner..

 Maid served the dinner

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Every body started eating

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Every body started eating. I was eating peacefully until Mr kim asked me a question that me choke on my food.
Mr kim: How is my sons behavior in school?
I saw bts getting tensed
Y/N: Well they are good at many things. Like Jin is the leader of the cooking club,Yoongi is good at playing piano,Namjoon is famous for his iq, J hope is a good dancer, Maknea are great at singing.
Mr kim: Wow.....I am proud of u my sons.
I saw bts looking surprised but eventually gave a smile to Mr kim.
After that Mr kim and mom hold hands and stood up.
Mom,Mr kim:  We are getting married!
Y/N: What!?....Mom how can you just marry him?Just a few hours ago u told me that you have a boyfriend and now you both are getting married? Isn't it too soon?
Mom: No Y/n I have been dating him for a year now!
Y/n: What!?.....Mom don't u trust me? Mom lets just go home.
And starts walking out of the mansion.
Mrs Choi: Sorry honey! I got to go. Bye
Mr kim: It's ok honey...I'll see you at the company tomorrow. Bye
With that she walks out and drove home.
At Y/n's home
Mom: Y/n......I need to talk to you!
Y/n: Mom we will talk about it in the morning.
With that she walks towards her room and change into something comfortable. She text in the group chat.
Group chat wit BP
Y/n: Hey unnies!
Lisa: Hey!
Jennie: Hi!
Jisso: Hey baby!
Rose: Hey!
Lisa: What's up?
Y/n: Mom got a boyfriend! And she is getting married.
Jisso: That's a good news. Congratulations to auntie.
Jennie: Congratulations
Rose: From me too.
Lisa: So that means you will have a new family. Who is he? And do you have brothers?
Y/n: He's mom's boss! And yes I have brothers!
Rose: Who are they?
Y/n: BTS
BP: What!?
Jisso: Did you agree?
Y/n: No.....not yet.
Jennie: Will you agree?
Y/n:Idk unnie.....
Rose: Y/n.......Always remember no matter what happens we are always there for you.
Bp: Yeah!
Y/n: Thank you unnies..... I love u! Ok unnies good night!
Bp: good night baby!
With that she drifted off to sleep.
Next morning
I woke up early bcz I couldn't sleep well last night. I did my morning routine and went downstairs. I saw mom with sad expression. She saw me and said
Mom: Y/n if you are not happy with this wedding I'm gonna cancel it.
I felt bad for it.
Y/n: No mom.....I'm happy for you.
I saw her face glow up. She looked happy. She immediately hugged me said thank u.
Mom: Thank you Y/n for accepting us. I'm gonna call Mr kim. You ha e your breakfast.
Y/n: No mom.....I will be late. I'm going.Bye
With that she took her key and drove off to school.She went to her locker and saw a note
Note: Come to roof at lunch time.
I knew that it was from my step brothers. So I took my book.and went to my class. I greeted bp and sit at my seat wit lisa.
[Time skip] (Lunch)
Lisa: Come lets go!
Y/n: You go...I need to pick up some books from library.
Lisa: ok but come fast.
Y/n: Ne unnie.
With that she went to the roof top and saw BTS waiting for me.
Jimin: look who finally decided to come(sarcastically)
Y/n: What do want?(bored tone)
Jin: We want to u cancel this wedding.
Y/n: No..... I won't do it. You tell your father to do it.
Suga:We tried but he didn't agree. So we are asking you to do it.
Y/n: No I won't do it.
V: Do it or you will face consequences. He said and start choke me but it didn't effect me. I looked at him with bored expression.He finally let go me.
And left
Rm: You have 1 day to cancel the wedding.
After that all members left. I go to cafeteria and saw Black pink having lunch. They saw me coming and gave me a smile.I went to them had lunch with them. The bell rang and we went to our classes. The rest of the school went peaceful.
The school ended I bid my byes to Bp and went home. As usual mom was not home. I went to my room change my clothes and did my home work. I didn't have an appetite so I decided to skip dinner and went to sleep.
Next morning
I entered the school and went towards my locker and started to take my things. But someone started to drag me. I was about to punch that person but the person made me stop. It was Jungkook.
I spoke
Y/n: Where are u taking me?
Jungkook: I'm older than u, call me oppa.
Y/n: No that word is way too much of cringe.
Jungkook: Then what will you call me?
Y/n:.......fine I'll call you Hyung. But NOT oppa.
Jungkook: Fine to me.
We soon reached the roof top and saw BTS waiting for us.
Jin: So did u convince your mom?
Y/n: I tried but she didn't agree(lied)
V: ok then welcome to the hell.(smirked)
Y/n: Well.....Same goes to u.
With that she walks out.
J-hope: This girl got some guts.
Jin: lets just go to classes.
With that they all go to their classes.

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