Chapter 35

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Hey cuties!!!! How are y'all? I hope you are well and healthy! So i thought of writing this small chapter before my exam!please pray for me that I won't fail or something! 😅

BTS pov

We were happy that y/n will not leave us even if we are mafia. But the next file made us shock!

Jk:How is it possible?

Jimin:It's fake! How!

Suga:How you got these files? Who gave u?

Y/n:Well yesterday when we were in the cafeteria i received a text from unknown number......

Joon:Text? What text?

She took her phone and showed the text.....

Jin:Try to track this number!

Suga:On it!

Tae:Did see the person's face who gave u these files?

Y/n:Ofc not......which mysterious person reveals his identity?

Jk:But what did he said to u?

Y/n:He gave me these files......i asked him what is in them. He said ur family has your answers.

Hobi:But why did you went to dad's office yesterday?

Y/n:And that's where things get more questionable!

Jimin:What do u mean?

She brought another file.

Y/n:This is what I found in dad's office

Jin took the file and started reading.

Jin:What is even going on? How can dad hide such a big thing from us?

A/n pov

All bts members except suga read this file. They jungshock now! How can it be possible? This was the only question they had on their minds!

Jin:The only person who can tell us everything is Dad. And we need to wait till he come back!

It was understandable to everyone. They all decided to do the work for now. Suga was still trying to track that person and J-hope was helping him. Jin went out for groceries along with tae. Jk and jimin were doing the assignments. Y/n was helping them. And joon just decided to read a book.

Time skip

It was evening. Everyone was in the meeting room. Y/n was lying in her bed still trying to figure out how is this even possible? While others were just eagerly waiting for their father to come back home. And were trying to find that person

But not so soon loud gunshot were heard. Bts and y/n both got attentive.

BTS pov

While we were discussing how to get go the person gun shots were heard.
It's means we're attacked.

Without wasting any second we took out our guns.

Jin:Tae go check on y/n! And don't let her come down.

Tae nodded and went hurriedly to y/n's room.

Y/n pov

I knew we were attacked. But i can't leave them alone. She quickly wore her gear.

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