chapter 8

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I woke up by light hitting my face. Today is Saturday and school is off .I groaned and open my eyes. I sat bed. After some min I got up and did my morning routine. I got dressed and went downstairs. I went dinning hall. I sat down and maid served breakfast.
Jin: Y/n?
Y/n: Yes hyung?
Jin: As today is holiday and dad said that we should try bonding with each other. Lets go to mall?
Y/n: Sure hyung(smile)
He smiled and we had breakfast silently.
After that everyone got ready and went to their rooms to get ready for shopping.

 After that everyone got ready and went to their rooms to get ready for shopping

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I got ready and went downstairs. I saw everyone present there. We vot in the limo and went to the mall.
Jin: So where we go first?
Y/n,V: GUCCI!?
RM: Ok then...Let's go!
We shopped for almost two hours. After that we went to cafe to eat something.
Y/n: Hyungs you guys are spoiling me by buying me everything I say.
Jin: It's nothing.
J-hope: I always wanted a sister who can I spoil,maje her happy and have fun.
Y/n: Thanks hyung!
Jin: Anything for u princess!
We had our lunch and went home. Everyone was tired and we had some good bonding.
After I changed my clothes I laid down on my bed and drifted to sleep.
Time skip 12
I woke up by my stomach growling.
I checked the the time and it was 12. I got up from my bed  and went outside my room. I was going downstairs when I saw Jin hyung.he saw me and said:
Jin: Are you hungry princess?
I nooded.
Jin: Should I make something for you?
Y/n: Really!? Can you?
Jin: Sure! Come on.
We went to kitchen to kitchen and decided to make ramen. Then we saw Namjoon hyung coming to kitchen.
Namjoon: Hey hyung and Y /n! Why you both up?
Jin: Nothing just Y/n was hungry so I'm making ramen for us. Wanna join?
Namjoon: Sure! Make some for me too
Jin: ok
Soon Jin hyung made ramen and we sat down to eat.
Namjoon: So tell us something about Y/n
Y/n: Well name is Choi Y/n, I'm 18,I like to sing,dance,and play games. I know how to fight and I practice martial arts 7 year.
Both: Wow.....You're so talented.
I giggled.
Jin: Did you just laugh?
Namjoon: Where is Y/n? And who are you?( play fully)
I laughed at their reaction
Y/n: Stop dramatic. I'm the Y/n hyung.
Jin: Y/n?
Y/n: Yes hyung?
Jin: How did ur father died?
Author pov
Y/n became little tense. She took a deep breath and spoke.
Y/n: My father died in a car accident. After he died my mother didn't had time for me. After that she found Mr. Kim and she started to smile again. In that time period I forgot how to smile and I became cold.
Jin: It's ok princess. You have us right, we are always by your side no matter what.
Namjoon: Yes Y/n...A family is always their for you.
Y/n pov
Idk but I felt good by hearing thise words. I felt the warmth of the family.
Jin: Well its already 3 am now we should sleep.
Y/n: Good night hyungs!
Jin,RM: Good night princess.
After that I went to my room and went to sleep.
Next morning
I woke up and did my morning routine. I went downstairs but saw no one. I went to kitchen and saw a note
         Hey Y/n! I hope ypu got this note. U can eat pancakes from the kitchen.
We had some important work so we had to go to the company.
                                  Love princess
I read the note and ate the pancakes. After that I went to my room. I laid down on my bed and I received a call.
Unknown:  Hey Y/n!
Y/n: Who are u?
Unknown: I see you already forgot me?
Y/n: Lucifer!?
(Lucifer is the person who killed y/n's father. Now she wants revenge for her father death)
Lucifer: So you remember huh?
Y/n: What you want?
Lucifer:I see you got a new family. Be careful cuz I'm gonna kill them one by one.
Y/n:Wait for death Lucifer.I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands.                    With that the call ended.
I changed her clothes and message lisa for arrange an emergency meeting.
I drove my car to company. I got in the meeting room where everyone was sitting.
Lisa: Y/n what happened? You ok?
Y/n: Lucifer is gonna attack my family!
All: What!?
Lisa: But your brothers are capable of protecting themselves.
Y/n: But still we need to protect them and kill that bastard.
Everybody nooded.
Y/n:Send 20 guards for their protection and make sure that they don't notice them ok? said to my Secretary Mia.
Mia: Ok ma'am.
After that everyone left the meeting room and I home. I changed into sports wear and went inside the gym room.

 I changed into sports wear and went inside the gym room

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I got there . I ran on the treadmill. I was still thinking about that bastard. After some I thought of letting my anger out. I started punching the punching bag with bare hand.
BTS pov
The meeting finish early so we decided to go home. Everyone entered the house and throw themselves on the couch.
Jin: U guys get fresh I'm gonna cook dinner.
Jk: Hyung I'm going to Y/n.
Jk pov
I went to her room but it empty. I checked the bathroom too but she was not there.
Mind: Wher is she?
I was going to check the game room ,I was crossing the gym but the scene made my heart stop.
Y/n was punching the bag with bare hand and blood flowing from her hands. I went to her and pulled her back by her waist.
Y/n pov
I was punching the bag until someone pulled me back by my waist. I was about to punch that person but the voice made me stop. It was Jungkook hyung.
Jk: Y/n calm down.
He then lifted me bridal style and walked towards living room.
Y/n: Hyung  put me down. I can walk.
Jk: NO!
He took me to living room and placed me on the couch. He called Jin hyung.
He gasped seeing my hands
Jin: What happened to your hands!?
Y/n: I uuh-
Jk: She was punching the bag with bare hands.
Jin: Jk bring the first aid kit. Fast!
Jk hyung bring the kit and Jin hyung bandaged my hand giving me a long lecture. He then told me to go room and take rest.
Time skip dinner
Everyone was at dinning table.
I tried to pick my chopsticks but it fell from my hand turning everyone's attention on me.
Namjoon: Y/n you alright?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine hyung
J-hope: Sunshine what happened to your hands?
Bts,Y/n: Sunshine?!
Hobi: What? It's her nickname from me.But what happened to your hands?
Y/n: Nothing!
Jk: She was punching the bag with bare hand.
BTS: What!?
I glared at him and he smirked
Again long lecture
Jk:let me feed you lil sis.
Y/n: No's fine I'll eat myself
I tried again but failed
Jk: Stop it and let me feed you.
Y/n: But when will you eat ?
Jk: I'll eat later now eat this.
Bringing the spoon to mouth.
Author pov
She ate the bite and picked the spoon full food and feed it jk.
Y/n: Let's feed each other.
He nooded and both feeded feeded each other. Whereas the rest of them were burning in jealously.
Bts mind: I'm gonna be your fav brother.
After dinner all of them went to sleep.

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