Chapter 26

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A/n pov

Time skip

Next morning

Y/n woke up and went to do her morning routine. After taking a fresh shower and doing her morning routine she came back and sat on her bed checking her insta. She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Knock knock

Y/n: Come in!

The maid entered and and bowed.
Y/n being respectful also bowed to her because she was elder. The maid smiled seeing her politeness and respect.

Maid: Young miss I'm here to call you fo breakfast. Young Masters are waiting for you.

Y/n: Unnie please tell hyung that I don't have an appetite. So I'll skip breakfast.

Maid: But young miss-

Y/n: please unnie 🥺.

Maid: Ok(Sigh)

Y/n smile and the maid went away.

BTS pov

We all came downstairs for breakfast as today is off from school so we decided to have our breakfast with our baby sis. We told the maid to call her down for breakfast.

DiNG DoNg!

The door bell rang. A maid went and opened the door. After a while she came back with Eunwoo. The maid bowed and went away.

Eunwoo: 안녕하세요 Hyungs!

We all greated him back and asked him to join us for breakfast. The maid came back and said that Y/n said she doesn't have an appetite so she wanna skip breakfast.

Tae:(sigh) I'll go and bring her.

Eunu: No hyung! U stay I'll bring her.

Tae: OK (smile)

Then Eunwoo went to call y/n.

Eunwoo pov

I went to my naughty gf's room and saw her scrolling through her phone.
I went near her and hugged her the back.

Eunu: How are u my honey bun?

Y/n: I'm fine now and where were you? Why didn't you come to meet me?

Eunu: I was busy with some work love. Sorry I couldn't come.

Y/n: It's ok!

Eunu:Now c'mon let's go for breakfast!

Y/n: I really don't wanna eat anything rn!

I picked her bridal style.

Eunu:I'm not asking u. I'm telling you.

Y/n: Put me down!


i went downstairs and placed her on the chair at the dining table.

Y/n pov

This brat carried me here. Sigh

BTS: Good morning princess!

Y/n: Good morning hyungs!!

Jin: OK princess now let's have breakfast. No tantrums.

I sighed and started eating slowly.

Time skip

After sometime we were done with breakfast and jin hyung forcefully fed me the medicines.

After breakfast everyone decided to watch a movie.
So we decided to watch(movie you like)

Every body was seated and i was sitting beside eunwoo.

Everyone was watching the movie peacefully but i was thinking about the people who killed eomma. I need to find them quickly.

My thoughts were interrupt by Eunwoo.

Eunwoo: What happened? What were you thinking about?

Y/n: Nothing!

And continued watching the movie.

Hello everyone! This is your beautiful author here! Hope you all like this chapter because I wrote it early 5 am the morning. Hope you like it and plz support me and vote for it. Saranghea 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜!

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