Chapter 8🌷

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Writer's POV

It's the last day boys come to college before they leave for England.
All came to college .

Boys messaged girls to come to the canteen so that they can spend some time .

While girls were going to the canteen 5 girls came and blocked their way.

Nikki: Hey! Girls can you all please get to a side we need to go to the canteen .

Girl 1: what's the hurry . Why your boyfriend is waiting for you ah?

Nikki: I don't have a boyfriend. Whom you are talking about?

Girl 1: Shub . I'm taking about shub

Girl2: you all are always with those boys . Few of the them are cricketers and others are singers . To become famous you all are staying with them right?

Kiara: Hey stop it ah... We all are friends

Girl 3: yeah yeah all do everything and say we are just friends .

Tiya: Shut up!

Girl 4: why should we? we are telling the truth.

Shravu: No you are not, you all are talking nonsense

Girl 5: oh.... just stop it, you baby...

Girl 1: If you girls were not there then we would have a chance with them .

They laughed

Our girls were damn angry, at that time boys also came there

Maira: Enough is enough

With that Maira punched one of the girls

Girl 1 came to hit Maira when Nikki slapped her

Tiya slapped another girl

Kiara slapped and punched another girl also while shravu pushed another one .

Those girls were getting beated badly so boys came to control them.

Reyansh: Enough Kiara, you all will get hurt
He pulled her to him

Shub: oh god Nikki ,come here.
He dragged her to him

Vivan: shravu stop it enough now
Vivan pulled shravu to him

Abhay:Tiya ! Tiya , enough
He lifted her from her stomach as she was kicking a girl.

Ricky: Mairaaa I was right you are very dangerous.come here.
He holded her from her arms

Boys took the girls to the jam room with so mush difficulty

All the girls were huffing from anger.

Boys looked at each other and started to laugh rolling in the ground while girls were glaring at them .

Abhay: oh god you girls are awesome . Tiya you are very good at kicking ah

Tiya: come then, I will kick you also

Abhay got scared

Shub: seriously girls you all are Very dangerous 😂

Ricky: I thought they will die 🤣

Vivan: I have never seen you girls so angry .

Reyansh: Kiara you always tell me to not get angry and what happened to you today?

Kiara: so do we have to stay quiet? they were talking rubbish

Tiya: Yeah

Maira : That's why we couldn't control ourselves.

Shub: ok now that's over ,we are glad you all stood for yourselves and,

All the boys: we are proud of you girls...

With that they did a group hug

A boy came there and informed that the principal called the girls .

At principal's office

All the 10 girls were standing there .

Those girls were trying to be innocent Infront of the principal while our girls were glaring at them.

Principal: Tiya, Nikki, Maira, shravya and Kiara I never expected this from you girls . You girls are always my favourites. But this behaviour is not acceptable.

Girls: We are sorry sir

Kiara: but we don't regret doing it sir

Nikki: Yes they provoked us to do it.

Shravu: you know na sir we never behaved like that.

Tiya: They were talking nonsense about us and the boys.

Maira: And we couldn't control ourselves that's why we did that.

Principal: I know about you all girls you all no need to explain yourselves.

Principal sir glared at those girls and said,
Principal: you girls come to college to comment on others life ah?
I'm suspending you all for 3 days.
Go out now . And this behaviour should not repeat

Our girls were dancing from inside.
Shravu gave a winning smirk to them while others giggled at shravu's antics.

Principal: Sorry girls but I have to suspend you all for 1 week also .I cant let you all to break the rules, You girls were violent and mr.lee also came and complained me about you girls. But I don't care about him . You guys know right that I love your gang? So please if something like this happen again come and tell me without being violent ok? See you girls after a week .

Girls were shocked but they knew that they were at fault too.

Girls: we understand sir. Thank you.

Boys were waiting for them outside

Shub: what happened inside?

Tiya: They got suspended for 3days and,

Boys: Good for them.

Maira: And we got suspended for 1week .

Boys: whattt????

Kiara: we were at fault too.

Reyansh: so why don't you girls come to England with us ?

Kiara: Not possible. We can't tell our parents about the suspension so they will not let us to bunk the college for the match.

Nikki: we will tell that we all took study leave .

Shravu: Yeah that's good .

Boys bunked their lectures and they all spend some time together in the college .and went back home .

Here's the 8th chapter guys ...
Isn't our girls little dangerous? What do you guys think?
I will try to give a double update today .
Hope you all will like this .
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