Chapter 39🌷

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Writer's POV

After that incident, They attended all the lectures , Mr.Gavin and Miss.Alijah told Vivan about how his gang changed after he left them as well as scolded him for leaving , and adviced him to pacify shravu as soon as possible .
After that they all went home .
In the evening everyone got a message from Vivan to their WhatsApp group.

Vivan: Hey guyss, can you all come to dinner today at my place ?
Don't even try to deny guys , it's mom's invitation so you "All" have to come for sure ....

Everyone confirmed that they are coming except shravu.
Reyansh forcefully took shravu with him.

Vivan was waiting for them to come . Everyone greeted him except shravu . Vivan's mom came to her and hugged her tightly... Even shravu reciprocated.

Vivan's mom: Hi my baby girl....

Shravu: Hi aunty....How are you ?

Vivan's mom: I'm fine now dear, my son is back ,so what else do I need?

Shravu nodded and gave a small smile .

They all got seated and was talking , specially teasing the new couple .

Shravu: Can I use the washroom?

Vivan was going to tell but she quickly asked vivan's mom. And she told to use vivan's washroom. And she went to it .

Shravu washed her face and while returning she saw something near his dressing table .
It was some pills .
They were sleeping pills. Just then Vivan came to the room and saw the pills on shravu's hand , he got tensed .

Vivan: Give it to me Shravu .

Shravu: What are they doing with you Vivan?

Vivan: Nothing , just give it shravu .

Shravu: Answer me Vivan , why are you using sleeping pills?
She asked him while glaring at him

Vivan: because I can't sleep in the night shravu .

Shravu: From when Vivan?

Vivan: For the last two months I was having sleeping pills in the night. Before that also whenever my past bothers me I use to have them.

Shravu got confused.

Shravu: What past you are talking about ?

Vivan quitely got seated in his bed ,even shravu got seated beside him.

Shravu: I asked you something.

Vivan: The past because of  which I left you all, only Kiara knows about it except my family as she is my neighbor from childhood , I have never shared this with anyone .Not even with shub and Abhay.

Shravu: you won't share it with me?

Vivan: There's nothing which I can't share with you shravu . Whenever I remember about it , it scares me Shravu . Mom is not my real mom Shravu . She is my step mom  , my real mom who gave birth to me is no more .

Shravu was totally shocked to hear this , she never expected this .

Shravu: What? Tell me properly Viv , you are confusing me .

Vivan: My mom is the one whom I loved the most , I'm the only child so I was getting pampered a lot from mom, she was my world , my angel , my everything , Dad didn't have much time for me as he was busy with business but he is an amazing father . Mom never left me alone , she was my shadow . I loved her the most . When I was 6 years old then I went to shopping with  mom. While returning our car was parked on the other side of the road . Mom was on a call so I left mom's hand and ran in to the car without checking the road , A Lorry was proceeding towards me fastly , before I could realise anything mom pushed me and she met with the accident .
She lost her breath right at the moment . ....

Vivan broke down to tears shravu side hugged him quickly and kept rubbing his arm , tears were flowing down from her eyes too...

Vivan: Driver took mom to the hospital with me , but she was already gone.....
I was in depression in that age , dad  was taking me for counseling for more than three months . But I couldn't get out of that trauma for a long time . When I believed mom's no more , then I started thinking that it's all because of me , I was responsible for my mom's death , I loved her the most that's why I lost her .
Then dad got married to mom. She was mom's best friend, she loves me a lot but nothing can be compared to my mom's love  after few months mom got pregnant, I was really excited to see my brother or sister , i forgot everything, always I used to take care of mom , once when she was coming to pick me up from the school, she slipped  and fell down and she faced a miscarriage.
Even that happened because of me , she was coming to pick me up , and I loved the unborn baby a lot ..
The people I love the most I tend to loose them shravu .....

Shravu:Ssshhhh, No Viv , never think like that, you are the best  person anyone can have in their life , whatever happened that's their destiny, there's nothing to do with you . They were blessed to get your love Viv. Please never think like that ok ?

Vivan: I left you and the gang because of that shravu . I realised that I started loving you ...I am madly in love with you shravu ,. That's why when I realised it I left as I don't want to loose you because of my bad luck and I didn't want out gang to loose you because of me as they loves you the most ....But I couldn't live without you all so I came back

Shravu was delighted with his confession as well angry for thinking something like that.

Shravu wiped his tears and hugged him tightly for sometime, then she broke the hug. And cupped his face.

Shravu: Look Viv , your love can never be a bad luck , you won't loose me nor our gang. Whatever happend in the past was their fate , it's not related to you ... Never think like that ok promise me that you will never think that you were responsible for whatever happened... Promise me Viv!!!

Vivan smiled and promised her. Shravu grinned .

Shravu: That's like a good boy , and Dumbo you were my best friend right ? How can you hide such a big thing from me ? Stupid !!! And how dare you to leave us ?  I really can murder you for that ... But what to do I'm helpless , I won't let you stay in peace now , see how much I'm gonna trouble you , how did you make your mind to leave such a pretty, cute and sweet girl like me ? I will take revenge for sure , understand ?

Vivan chuckled at her drama .

Vivan: Oh god finally our drama queen is back . I missed you shravu .and I love you

Shravu blushes Vivan hugged her .

Shravu: I missed you too , come let's go downstairs, others must be waiting for us .

Shravu stood up but Vivan stopped her .

Vivan: Why didn't you reply to my confession?

Shravu thought to tease him

Shravu : What confession Viv?

Vivan: I said I love you .

Shravu became serious.

Shravu: Viv I need some time , this all happens so suddenly, it's not like I don't like you , but I just need some time please....

Vivan smiled

Vivan:That's ok, I'll wait for you ....

They both went downstairs smiling ... The whole gang and vivan's mom were shocked to see them like this ....

Here's the 39th chapter....
Any comments about vivan's past???
Most awaited chapter right?
Please vote and comment Guys...
See you all the next chapter...
This was a looonggg chapter....
Stay Safe...

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