Chapter 33🌷

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Writer's POV

After having some great time with each other in their secret place , they all went back home.

Shravu's POV

Today is one of my best days, our gang is totally back to normal, practicing for the Talent show also going really well, and Viv.

A beautiful smile adored my face with just a remind of his name.
I know that now we are not just best friends, I thought it's only one sided , but with whatever happened today it's confirmed that maybe ...maybe we are falling for each other?

Omg iam blushing, i can't believe that me, shravya Agarwal is falling for a boy....
The way Viv stand by me, pamper me,. Tease me, care for me, support me,make me feel special no one can make me feel the way he does. That's the best thing about him. I know I will have a great future with him.

I was lost in his thoughts, don't know when in fell asleep.

Vivan's POV

I came to my room with a big smile on my face , whatever happened between me and shravu , that was the best. I can never see her with someone else, she's the best thing happened to me ever , I... I love her , I can't imagine my life without her now, she makes me complete, only she can give me the love for which I was craving for from a long time . She's a child by heart, but when it comes to me, she's the most matured one, the way she handle me , no one can do that. I am sure now that even she is falling for me . I realised it. Now I have to propose her as soon as possible.

I was thinking about her , and I remembered my past, I started sweating . I stood up  with a jerk.


I punched the mirror in my room, and my hand started bleeding with that I fell on the ground.

Nooo Noooo Vivan what were you thinking? You can't lose her too , you can never falling in love , you are not supposed to fall in love .I can't let my past to repeat again.
This is wrong , I can't spoil her life, I can't let my friends suffer because of me ...
I have to leave , I have to leave From here for better, today itself .  I have to stay away from them . Maybe for sometime or maybe forever. No matter what, Iam leaving today .

I packed my clothes ,my essentials,our gang's picture and booked my ticket, I sent a message to mom and dad saying that I need a break , they tried to ask me the reason but I ignored it.  I have to stay away from this country too, so that they won't be able to find me .
Before leaving I want to see shravu, the love of my life.

I climbed to shravu's room though the pipe. Then I saw the most cutest scene ever. Shravu was sleeping with a beautiful smile on her face.
I know when she sleeps , noone can wake her up easily
I went near her and caressed her hair slowly,

I'm sorry shravu, but I have to do this, I know you won't ever forgive me for this nor our friends, but I have to do this, I'm really sorry and I love you always  . I wisphered and I pecked her forehead and left from there with full of tears.

I left the country, my family, I left my love , and my friends without whom I'm nothing .

Writer's POV

Next day as usual , Reyansh went to pick Kiara. Shravu woke up with a big smile on her face and got ready for college . She was waiting for Vivan from a long time, she called him but his phone was switched off, she was worried . She didn't want to trouble Reyansh as he's with Kiara. She can't call Ricky as he must be working in the radio channel , She called Abhay.

Shravu: Hello Bhai.

Abhay: Yes baby girl.

Shravu: Bhai, Viv didn't come to pick me up, his phone also switched off, I don't know what to do Bhai.

Abhay: Is it? Don't worry princess, I'll come to pick you up , he must be sleeping, will go to the college and see ok?

Shravu: Ok Bhai.

Abhay picked her from home and they went to college . They didn't find him there also. They tried calling him but it was unreachable.
They all were worried , they bunked lectures and was sitting in the jamroom.

Ricky: Where the hell is this Vivan?

Nikki: Where did he disappear like this ?

Shravu: I hope he is ok

Maira: of course he will be ok sweetheart, don't stress yourself, he will contact us .

They got a message on their what's app group . They all opened the message. The message was from Vivan . They all started reading it.

Vivan: Hii guys, I know you all must be worried and must looking for me , but please don't try to find me , I need a break guys , I need sometime alone , away from everything... Please try to understand, this is not a prank guys , I know you all must've thought that I'm kidding , but no I'm not , I can't tell you all where I'm . Nor I can share anything right now . I'm out of the country, I know if you all try then you'll can find me , but please don't , if you all love me and care about me , then please leave me alone. I'm really sorry .... I'll miss you all. Bye guys , take care .

All were shocked to read this message . And shravu was completely broken . Tears were flowing from her eyes uncontrollably. Ricky saw this and hugged her tightly caressing her hair to calm her down .
Other girls were having tears too.
While the boys were damn angry with Vivan.

How's the chapter 33 guys....
Unexpected right????
Don't kill me for this twist guys ....
What must be vivan's past beacause of which he left his friends ? Any guesses?
Please vote and comment Guys..
See you all in the next chapter.
Take care and stay safe.

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