Chapter 59( last chapter)🌷

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Writer's POV

They had their Final exams which they completed successfully... After few weeks they got their results.. As usual they were the toppers of the college . Kiara and shub had the highest marks, others were also among the  best results of the college  , even Steven, Veronica and Ivaan too had really good marks .

They all prepared for the farewell function ,the gang were the main members of the organising committee,it's  the last function they gonna organise in the college .
They organised it really well.
Girls were dressed in knee length dresses while boys were in formals.

They all got graduated. All the students were emotional, it was the time for principal Sir's speech.

Principal: Good evening, students and professors, first of all I would like to appreciate the organising committee... You all have done an amazing work , really well organised , you all know that I'm not a typical Principal who always burst on children, We all tried our best to give you all the best education , and all of you have made us proud each time , the journey of four years is coming to an end today , you all have a long way to go , this is the last day you all are here as students . I wish you all the best for the future, I hope you all will make your college name proud with your success. Thank you .

All clapped and most of the students were emotional , now it was the time for college's president speech , which means Nikki's speech . Her friends cheered for her .

Nikki: Good evening Principal sir, professors and my college mates,ok lets start my last speech in the college , first of all Thank you Sir for your words and for being the best principal anyone can get, today is my last day as the college president and as a student too , I never wanted to be the president, but it was my friends who forced me , hope I didn't disappoint you all , In this journey of four years , we have a learnt a lot, not just about our careers , about the society too, We all have got some amazing friends , seniors and juniors too . I really want to thank our professors , Mr.Gavin, Miss.Alijah, Miss.Sheela, and Mr.lee, thank you for giving us the best education, and for being patient with us , you all have guided us through out this journey , it breaks our Heart, that we cant be in this college anymore , we have to leave forever , we all have had the best days of life , wether if it's exams, practices, cultural events , results tension , punishments, projects, assignments, college trip etc etc... We all enjoyed each and every second . Ok I don't want to drag the speech anymore and  make you all burst into tears , Lastly , thank you so much Principal sir and professors for Guiding us always , I hope we all can make you all proud We will miss you all. Thank you ...

Miss.Alijah came and hugged Nikki before she leave the stage .

Miss.Gavin: Students I think we should all need a speech from the youngest from your batch Shravya . Shravya can you please come on to the stage and share your experience as the youngest from your batch .

Shravya was literally glaring at Gavin sir , as she was not at all ready for a speech , all her friends encouraged her , and she went on to the stage .

Shravu: Hello sir, professors and my dear friends . I was not at all ready for a speech thank you Gavin sir for trapping me on this .
(All giggled at her words ) .

Actually I never thought I would be able to join this college at first, there was lots of issues were going on regarding my age , but all thanks to our coolest principal sir, he gave me admission. I have learnt a lot in this four years . Professors thank you so much for tolerating me and our gang specially , as we were the naughtiest ones who annoyed you all the most , special thanks to Mr.lee , sir I know you love us a lot , but we will miss annoying you  and I wanna apologize behalf of every student, if we have ever hurt you all . And for bunking classes too ,Gavin sir and Alijah ma'am thank you for being a friend  for us more than a professor. It was a blessing for all of us to have you all in our life . And I'm gonna miss our jamroom , where we made so many memories, we were there most of the time .
About me , I found some amazing brothers and sisters and friends . This four years  were like a movie , with love , friendship , thriller, mystery, emotional, comedy, etc. Thank you for all for giving me so many unforgettable memories, and for pampering me too. Thank you so much, and I'm gonna miss the college and all of you a lot...

She ended up with tears , all the students , professors , principal all were in tears .

She hugged her gang , At the end there was a song of the gang, Ivaan, Veronica and Steven too. They all displayed some pictures of their college memories on a projector. They all had a group hug in the end and tears were rolling down uncontrollably.

The function was over, their gang went near their professors to thank them personally .

Shub: Thank you Gavin sir for being the best professor , for always supporting us , for guiding us throughout the journey .

Gavin sir hugged all of them .

All: We will miss you sir .

Gavin sir was in tears .

Gavin sir: Not fair guys , stop making me emotional like your Alijah ma'am, even I will miss you all and your pranks . You all were the best kids I have ever got.

They all hugged him even Alijah ma'am joined the hug . Then they went towards the principal office , just to witness principal sir emotional.

Ricky: Oh god , why are you being so emotional sir , be happy that no will bunk college again ...

Principal: I will miss you my kids, as I always said you all are my favourites, and I'm sorry for punishing you all .

Vivan: Sir we deserved to be punished , for all the mischievous acts we did .

Principal sir: Don't forget me kids.

Tiya: We can never forget you Sir.

Reyansh: Thank you sir.

Principal sir blessed them, then they found , Mr.lee .

Abhay: Sir finally you can stay in peace, we all are going , there will be noone to irritate you or to do pranks on you.You don't have to tolerate us anyomore We will miss your scolding sir. .

Kiara: We are really sorry for annoying you all these four years sir, thank you for all the knowledge you gave us .

Maira: We will miss you sir.

Mr.lee: kids, I never hated you all, even after your pranks and all . You all are the most talented students I ever got , and yeah sorry for not being kind with you all from the beginning. I wish you all the best for the future , as usual make me and others proud. Even I will miss you all kids . And you all are my favourites students..

Mr.lee opened his arms for them to hug, they all hugged him  with tears . They took a group picture with all their batch mates, professors and principal.

Girls were badly crying ,boys were on tears too , they met Steven, Veronica, Ivaan and Lavanya too , even Lavanya was emotional as she had two more years left in her college life , she won't be able hangout with them anymore, They visited their Jamroom for the last time, to spent the last minutes in the college , it's the place where they laughed, played pranks, cried ,practiced.. the place where they used to be after bunking classes. The place where they discussed everything, the place where their bond became stronger.

They left the college life forever , it was the  end of their college journey which was filled with love , friendship and fun .

Here's the last  Chapter 59th chapter....
Next chapter is gonna be the epilogue.....
So we are in the end of the book guys ....
I'm very emotional right now ...
Will see you all with the epilogue soon...
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