Chapter 19🌷

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Writer's POV

All of them started doing their projects,

All of them were in the jamroom when Steven came over their to talk to Tiya about the project.

They were sitting together and talking ,Abhay was feeling uncomfortable as Steven was staring at Tiya most of the time, he was getting irritated because of that at that time Lisa came their .

Lisa: Abhay shall we go to the cafeteria to discuss about the project,

Abhay: Yes sure sweetheart, let's go, by the way you are looking very hot today.

He said winking while Lisa was blushing.He left to the cafeteria with her.
Tiya was watching all these and she was hurt with his behaviour, everyone noticed that, All knew that Abhay flirts with girls , but they knew that Tiya has feelings for him too.

Kiara: Vivan let's go to the library , we can find informations from there for the project.

Vivan: Oh god , I can't find all that in the library ,you find them I will just give you company.

Kiara : Whatever come.

It's been long since they bunked college .

Ricky: Guys I'm fed up of this project now, let's go out !!

Kiara: No!!!! Don't even think about it... We have loads of work to do.

Nikki: Yeah guys she's right...

Vivan: please girls let's go, it's been long.

All: Ok let's go.

Now even girls can climb the wall ..
They climbed the wall with the help of boys and jumped to the road just to get shocked to see the person standing Infront of them.

Shravu:Oh my strawberry doughnut!!!

All were literally shivering seeing the person who was glaring at them without saying anything.

Kiara: I told you all , let's not bunk today. You guys should've listened to me .
She wisphered.

Ricky : Shut up our dear mom, let's see what we can do now .
He whispered back.

Person: I never expect this from you guys !!!!

All: We are sorry sir!!!!

Yeah so the person was their principal...

Principal: Come to the principal office right now.

They all came to the principal room.

Principal: What's this kids? How can you all bunk college like this ?I'm very disappointed with your behaviour.

All were feeling guilty for bunking college like this.

Principal: How many times you all have bunked college?

Reyansh: This is the first time sir.

Principal: Don't you dare to lie ? I am sure this not the first time.

Shub: To be honest we have bunked college more than eight times.
They all were looking down because they were guilty. And the principal was shocked to hear that.

Principal: What ??? Why you don't guys want to stay in the college or what? You all know that I love you all a lot , you all are taking advantage of that. I don't have any idea that my students are bunking college .

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