Chapter 26🌷

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Writer's POV

It's Ricky's first day as a RJ. He was nervous but others were very excited...

Ricky was waiting for them to come . But they thought they won't go. They all sent him a message wishing all the best... But didn't meet him before he starts the show.

Ricky started the programme.

Ricky: Good morning students, teachers and our super cool principal. So how is your day so far ? Assignment tension? Worried about exams? Results tension? Trying to pacify your girlfriend or boyfriend? Or can't resist the torture of our dear Mr.lee. ha ha ha jokes apart. He doesn't torture much now. This is my first day as a RJ but my friends didn't even meet me before I start this. But I know they must be sitting in the jamroom and enjoying my blabbering. Guys I'm gonna kill you all for this . Enough of my talking now let's hear some of our favourite songs.see you all in sometime .

He played some songs with his jokes in between. Whole college was enjoying. Including the professors, principal as well as Mr.lee.

His gang was listening to him too while decorating the jamroom.

He finished his work and moved towards the jamroom.

He didn't see anyone the lights were off .

Ricky: Why is the lights are off? Where are you all?

Congratulations!!!!! They all screamed while bursting party poppers...
And all jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

They broke the hug, he saw that the whole jamroom was decorated with party lights ,balloons , there was a huge banner with "well done " written on it. In the middle there was a beautiful cake. In the cake it was written "we are proud of you".

Ricky became emotional , and hugged each and everyone from his gang while thanking them.

Ricky: Thank you so much guys, you all are the best, without you all iam really incomplete, i got this chance because of you maira and others encouraged and supported me . I love you all so much. Thank you.

Shub: Don't thank us buddy, you deserve this .

Maira: Yes monkey , you got this chance because of your talent .

Kiara: Absoloutly, everyone were very happy to hear you, you did Really well.

All: We are proud of you!!!!

They All cut the cake , they literally played Holi with the cake . Then they all were enjoying with each other. Principal , students and the  professors appreciated him.

There was a announcement saying that they will be having a Talent show after three months and they should register their names within this week. All were very excited for it.

Reyansh and Kiara planned to do a singing performance.

Vivan and shravya also planned to do a singing performance, shravya was told to do an individual dancing performance too.

Ricky and Maira were the announcers.

Maddy, Elena , Ivaan and Veronica was doing a singing performance and dancing performance.

Lisa came and asked Abhay to become her dancing partner.

Shubi and Nikki was doing an act.

While Tiya and Steven was dancing partners too.

Principal called all of them for a meeting.

Principal: So all have given their names for the Talent show Right? You all can't back out from the performances. You all have 3  months to get ready for the talent show. Do your best students . All the best.

Their gang were sitting in the jamroom, even Steven joined them.
Now Abhay behave normally with Steven.
Lisa came there and said that she wants to talk to Abhay.

Abhay's POV

Me: Yes Lisa , what is it? We have more than 3 months sweety, we can talk about the performance later.

Lisa : It's not about the performance Abhay. It's something important.

Me: Ok what's it ?

She knelt down in front of me while I stood up . She forward me a red rose.

Me: What are you doing Lisa? Get up?

Lisa: Abhay I really really like you. I know it's too fast but I can't wait anymore. Will you be my boyfriend?

I was shocked .she is proposing me ? But I can't go to a relationship. I still love Anya. I'm not over her. Then Tiya, it's still complicated about her. I never had any feeling for Lisa . But now I can't say no to her. I can't break her Heart. I will tell yes to her, then all will think that I've moved on . That's better .

Me: Yes Lisa , I will.

I said accepting her rose . She s hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

Writer's POV

All the others were shocked as Abhay accepted her proposal. Specially they never thought that one of from their gang will date Lisa , who was one of those evil girls who always messed with the girls.

Lisa went from there after sometime.

Vivan: What the hell Abhay? How can you say yes to her?

Reyansh: Don't you know how much they troubled our girls , even Lisa is one from that gang.

Ricky: we were ok with her, beacause she was your project partner.

Shub: That doesn't mean you will date her Abhay. Why did you take a decision like that? Without even thinking .

Maira : you have gone mad Abhay.

Shravu: Abhay Bhai , don't you know how much we hate her?

Kiara: This is a very immature behaviour Abhay. You should have asked us.

Nikki: You don't even love her Abhay . You were just flirting around her. You will regret doing this Abhay.

Abhay: Enough guys!!!! I know I shouldn't have said yes this soon. But I like her. When she was proposing me it felt so right . And I want to date her . Please support me guys . I promise that she or anyone from her gang won't mess with you girls again. Please guys ..

They all knew that he was lying
But still they agreed.

Vivan: Fine do whatever you want .

Shravu: But don't expect us to be normal with Lisa.

Abhay: Thank you guys .

All this while Tiya didn't utter a single word, she was hurt, Steven was holding her hand to support her . Then Steven took her out with him to cheer her mood  While others went back home...

26th chapter is here guyss....
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Ufff I'm tired now.....
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