Chapter 47🌷

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Writer's POV

Ricky sent others home forcefully. He stayed in the hospital . Maira was sleeping beacause of heavy medicines. Ricky was beside her whole night. She slowly opened her eyes just to see her love admiring her ... Maira blushed under his gaze.

Ricky: Good morning love... How are you feeling now ?

He asked pecking her head

Maira: I'm feeling better now, why didn't you go home ?

Ricky: How can I stay in peace after leaving you here?

Maira was feeling blessed ...
Doctor came and checked her? And adviced her to take rest...

Their friends called and said they will get late as they are making food ... Maira's parents also came and visited her, but maira told them to go home as they must be tired after traveling.

After sometime there was a knock on the door , it was non other than Ivaan. Ricky was freaking angry .

Ricky: How dare you to come here? I'm not gonna leave you...

He went towards Ivaan to beat him...

Maira: Ricky Ricky noo nooo stop please...

Maira holded his hand to control him.

Maira: Why did you come here Ivaan?

Ivaan: I know that you all already know that I'm behind your accident . I take the whole blame Maira, you are in this condition because of me ....
I admit that I hate you all to the core, but I never thought of killing you ....

Ricky: Ha ha ha really? Then what's this ?
He yelled

Ivaan: I wanted  the president position, so I planned this accident, but I promise I never even  imagined to kill you, I told that driver to do a minor accident, but he  lost the control while driving and you are in this condition...
I'm the culprit you can file a case against me on the police station. You can inform the principal too.

Maira : we never hated you Ivaan , we don't like you and your behaviour,you always messed with us but I never thought that for a president position you will plan something like this .

Ivaan was quiet... While Ricky was loosing his control on his anger ...

Maira: Go from here Ivaan , just go and don't worry I won't file a complain against you..nor I will tell principal sir . Our gang is not like you Ivaan, we play pranks but we never take revenge. Remember that..

Ivaan left from there.

Ricky: what the hell Maira ? Why did you do that? I'm gonna kill him!!!

Maira: Calm down Ricky, if my condition wasn't critical then My Monkey wouldn't have confessed his feelings for me so  I don't have any problem.

Ricky sighed as he knew there was no use of arguing with her...

After one week Maira got discharged, and in college president election maira got the most number of votes. Maira refused to take the position considering her health... Principal told her to give the position for someone from her gang temporarily....
But she denied and told to give the position to Ivaan ....
Principal sir refused at first but then agreed without having any other option....
Ivaan was stunned to hear that maira gave her position to him.

They all came to the jamroom , maira knew that all were upset with her descion.

Maira: Shravu ask a Riddle.

Shravu: Not in a mood Di.

Maira: Please princess for me...
She said giving her best puppy look

Sharvu: why is a River rich?

Shub: Why?

Shravu: Because it had two banks.

All: Ha ha ha ha ha

Abhay: Ask another one .

Shravu: Ok, what do tigers have that no other animals have ?

Kiara: What?

Shravu: Baby tigers ...

Girls laughed out loud while boys facepalmed....

After college Sub was returning from the washroom to meet the gang. When he was coming he saw Elena , who looked really worried, and calling someone desperately...

Shub: Hey, Elena is everything ok?

She got starteled..

Elena: Shub, yes shub I'm fine..

Shub: Are yiu sure as you don't look good?

Elena: there's a small issue is going on between me and my boyfriend so that's why I'm little disturbed.

Shub: Oh ok, hope everything will be fine , take care...

Elena: Bye shub..

He joined others and they went back home .

Next day they came to the college just to witness police officers all over the college interrogating students...
They went towards Mr.Gavin who looked really sad.

Vivan: sir what happend, what's police doing here?

Mr.Gavin: Guys, Elena has committed sucide last night in the college , and we found her body hanged in a classroom today morning but police suspect it to be a murder .

Here's the 47th chapter guys ....
What do you all think is it a murder or Sucide?
Comment and vote guys....
I can't promise to update tomorrow...
I'll try my best ...
Till then stay safe....

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