Chapter 18🌷

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Writer's POV

After few weeks since they bunked college.

They were having Mr.lee's class first today.
They got seated in back benches.
Mr.lee started the class and was asking questions from the students as usual.

He smirked and told Abhay to stand up .

Mr.lee:Answer the questions Abhay

Abhay: Ok fine ask.

He asked more than five questions from him, all were irritated. Abhay had enough of him,

Abhay: Sir knock Knock

Mr.lee: Seriously you think I will play games with you now ?

Abhay: Just do it sir after that you can ask your questions from me .

Mr.lee: Ok fine

Abhay: Knock knock

Mr.lee: Who's there
He asked rolling his eyes

Abhay: Voodoo

Mr.lee: Voodoo who?

Abhay:Voodoo you think you are, To ask so many questions?

Mr.lee never expected that, all the students were laughing specially their gang was literally rolling down while laughing, Mr.lee was embarrassed he scolded Abhay and went from there to complain about them to the principal.
And they went to the cafeteria.

Principal's office

Mr.lee: Sir I can't teach their gang again, their behaviour is disgusting. They never respect me as a professor. They are spoilt brats .

Principal: I don't agree with you Mr.lee, I'm surprised that they are still tolerating your behaviour towards them. You have to gain respect by giving respect Mr.lee ,They are few of the most talented students in our college , I was observing the way you were conducting the classes, you are just asking questions from students, more than teaching them. It's good to ask questions, but there's a limit for everything. Don't blame others when you are at fault Mr.lee, this is the first and last time I'm advising you. You can leave now.

Mr.lee left from there.

Jam Room

They all were still laughing for whatever happened during the lecture.Then they had their next class which is Miss. Alisha's.
They all were concentrating in the class , Miss.Alisha informed them that they will be getting Some projects to complete ,as well as she will be deciding their project partners.

Tiya: I really wish we would get partners from our gang itself.

All: We wish too.

Miss.Alisha: ok so the project partners are.
     Ivaan and Elena
     Maddy and Veronica
Maira: Poor girls, I feel very bad for them.
All chuckled at her comment.
Miss.Alisha: Maira stay quiet!
Shub and Maira
Abhay and Lisa
Shravya and Ricky
Kiara and Vivan
Tiya and Steven
Reyansh and Nikki

All were happy with their partners except Abhay and Tiya.

Tiya: why only we both ????

Abhay: True... Wish even we have got a partner from our gang itself.

Ricky: It's just one week Noh guys. Just for the project you all stay with them. Even I have to tolerate Shravu for one week , please god help me .

Shravya: Ricky bhaiiii
She said glaring at him.

They all went to the jam room and were discussing about the project , even Abhay and Tiya was there as their partners were absent today.

Shub: Baby I really wish we both were partners for the project ,it would have been fun right... I don't know how will I able to do the project with this tomboy.
He said pointing at Maira.

Maira: Tomboy? Seriously shub , you wait and see how I trouble you when we are doing the project.

Nikki: Maira is better Shubi , I have got our as the partner. May God save me....

Reyansh: Shut up shubi's babyy
He said smacking her head .

Kiara: And Vivan I'm warning you , help me with the project without making excuses ok?

Vivan: I'll try my best Miss.kiara but I doubt that you will have to do the project alone .

Kiara glared at him.

Abhay: But I have to accept one thing guys, Lisa is very hot ...

Tiya was upset listening to that. All noticed that except Abhay.

Vivan: You will never change Abhay .

Shub: ok guys knock knock

All : Not interested!!!!

Shub: please guys .

Shravu: Ok Bhai ask.

Shub: you are the best sister , ok , knock knock

Shravu: Who's there?

Shub: Spell

Shravu: Spell who?

Shub: ok fine, W - H- O

Shravu: Oh god ha ha ha ha ha

Nikki: That's pathetic

Shub: Come on babe it was nice.

Nikki: Really? Let me ask one that's better than this .

Shub: Wow ok ask,

Nikki: Knock knock

Shub: Who's there?

Nikki: Your girlfriend

Shub: Ha ha my girlfriend who?

Nikki: Your girlfriend who gonna break up with you now after listening to your nonsense !!!!!

All were laughing like maniacs while shub was sitting with a horrified face.

Like that they  spent the day.

Here's the 18th chapter guys ....
What do you all think about their friendship?
Wait for some twists guys....
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See you all in the next chapter...
Take care guys....

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