Chapter 38🌷

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Shravya's POV

After my performance I straightway came home.I didn't wait to hear the results .

Viv is back , I'm happy that finally he came back but that doesn't mean that I'll forgive him for leaving me and our gang. We were not just best friends when he left me, we were more than that. How can he just leave like that, when he was singing, I wanted to hug him and cry aloud in his arms as well wanted to punch him across his face . Wait wait I slapped him also , A small chuckle escaped from my mouth. It's been long since I smiled , I'm really happy for Bhai and Kiara Di , but with Viv , I'm not gonna forgive him easily.

I heard my phone ringing from a long time , Vivan was calling me ...
Iam not gonna answer his calls, why should I? Did he call me in this two months , did he answer my calls ? No!!!! So even I won't ....
With that I changed and fell asleep peacefully after two months.

Shub's POV

They started announcing the results , shravu went home , she didn't want to stay anymore, and we let her as we know how hard it is for her.
Mine and Nikki's performance was the best act...

Abhay and Tiya were the first runner up from dancing .

Shravu was the best solo performer .

Reyansh and Kiara was the best performers from singing .
While Maddy and Veronica were the first runner ups.

Ricky and Maira was admired for their amazing anchoring .

We all went to our respective homes. Hoping for a new beginning of our lives from tomorrow...

Writer's POV

Next day Vivan was waiting for shravu outside her house .

Reyansh: Vivan , what are you doing here?

Vivan: Came to pick your Sister .

Reyansh: I won't think she will come with you , but all the best .

After sometime shravu came out and saw him , and she royally ignored him.

Vivan: Good morning shravu, come let's go to the college.

Vivan: Come on baby , please I'm sorry .

Shravu: Excuse me , Vivan Khurana, don't try to baby me ok? And I will go with Ricky Bhai I don't want to go with you .

Shravu called Ricky.

Shravu: Bhai I don't want to hear any excuses if you don't come to pick me up , then I promise I will go alone .

Ricky: Ok ok tigress , I'm coming.

Ricky came to pick shravu and he gave a helpless look to Vivan.

In the college they attended the classes and they are back to there naughty self , they were very mischievous in Mr.lee's period .

Mr.Lee: You guys started again?
For two months I was doing the class peacefully, but now Vivan came back and you guys are back together.

Shub: Together forever sir...

Maira: To be honest you missed our drama right sir?

Mr.lee: Not at all, who said like that? I didn't...

He said looking here and there as indeed he missed them . Their naughtiness specially.

All laughed at him.

After the lecture shravu went to the Library while others were in the Jamroom.

Vivan:Guys let's play a prank on shravu , maybe she will be normal.

Abhay: I'm always ready for pranks.

Ricky:Me too.

Vivan: Ok then let's to do the same prank which Abhay and shravu did on us ok?

Kiara: awesome.

Vivan spilled oil on the corridor .and Told Nikki to call shravu .

Nikki: Shravu, darling can you come to the jamroom, I need to tell you something important.

Shravu: Ok Di I'll come.

They all were hiding behind the pillars, shravu came and slipped on the corridor.

Shravu: Shit!!! What the hell!!! Abhay bhaiii , I promise I won't leave you today.

All started laughing and came out while shravu was shooting daggers to Abhay.

Abhay: Woah .. princess I didn't do this . It's Vivan this time .

Vivan: Had fun our drama queen?

Shravu: Vivan, don't you have any other work to do , stop troubling me ok ? This is not funny at all.

Vivan : Why are you calling me Vivan, you used to call me Viv shravu ...

Shravu: why should I call  with nicknames to strangers ? You are no one to me Mr.khurana, That's why you left me and our gang right?. And don't call me Shravu!!! It's shravya for you... And don't even try to irritate me again ...

With that she left from there.
Vivan was looking down with guilt.

Reyansh: Princess wait...
Kiara stopped him .

Kiara: Let her go Reyansh, she need time . Vivan should do this alone , you have to pacify her alone Vivan , you created this mess so clear it by your own self.

Vivan: I know Kiara , I'm at fault , I will pacify her soon...

They all went home and Vivan was thinking a way to bring their shravu back to her drama mode .

Here's 38th Chapter guysss....
It's a short one .....
Vivan deserve this behaviour from shravu.... Right ? Do you all agree with me ?
See you all in the next chapter...
Stay safe...

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