Chapter 50🌷

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Writer's POV

As usual they came to college, They had Miss.Alijah's class. After the lecture, she told them to stay, other students went .

Miss.Alijah: Kids what were you all going to do before my lecture today?

The gang got alerted.

Abhay: What we did maam?

He asked sweetly.

Miss.Alijah: You all tried to bunk my class right?

Nikki: No maam why would we bunk your class, we love you right?

Miss.Alijah: Nikki! Stop buttering me up, I saw how you all were trying to hide from me ,but for your bad luck, I saw you all and dragged you all to the class... Why are you all being so lazy guys?

Vivan: No maam we love attending your class, it's just we got an important work to do .

Miss.Alijah: And what's that work?

Shravu: It''s... Related to your wedding maam, actually Gavin sir wanted our help for the wedding arrangements so that's why we tried to bunk.

Miss.Alijah was looking at her suspiciously, while others were shocked to hear her reason ...

Miss.Alijah: Really? Ok shravu then let me take class of your Gavin sir.

Nikki quickly messaged Gavin sir, so that ,he can save them .

Mr.Gavin came there.

Miss.Alijah: Gavin!!!! Such an irresponsible behaviour, how can you ask for help from the kids ,you know that they can't bunk classes like this. It will affect their studies.

Mr.Gavin: Oh god my soon to be wify why are you getting so hyper? Look if they attend the class also they won't concentrate on the class, but when the exams are near they study like maniacs , so I thought of giving some work to them.

Gang was chuckling...

Miss.Alijah: And what is that work which I don't know ?

Gavin sir was speechless now as he dont know what to say.

Ricky: Surprise.

Miss.Alijah: What?

Ricky: Sir is  planning a Suprise for you maam, you will get to know soon.

Mr.Gavin: Now let us go ok? Come kids let's go...

Mr.Gavin came out of the class with them.

The gang burst out into laughter.

Mr.Gavin: You guys are impossible, I thought she will break up with me , she was really angry at that time . Why do you all bunk classes like this ?

Tiya: we would never let that happen sir. We were bored so that's why we were going to bunk.

Mr.Gavin sighed.

Mr.Gavin: Ok ok this is the last time I'm helping you all , no more chances.

Shravu: You have said this more than nth times sir...

All giggled .

Mr.Gavin: little munchkin you are the one who's spoiling all of them. Naughty girl...

She made a pout while others were adoring her.

Mr.Gavin: What to do I love you all that I can't see you all in trouble , bye now go boys you have food ball practice right.

Kiara: And we love you too sir, thank you so much...

All: Bye sir ...

They all went to the jamroom and enjoyed for sometime, then boys went to football practice leaving the girls in the room.

Shravu's POV

Maira: Guys I'm hungry.

Tiya: Me too ...

Maira: Then let's go to the cafeteria. Who else's joining?

Kiara: No I have to meet Miss.sheela for some work ,you all go .

Maira Di and Tiya Di went to the cafeteria .

Kiara: Shravu shall we go ?

Me: No Di , I want to go to the library. I will join you both later.

Nikki: Ok princess, come soon ok? We will be with Miss.sheela.

Me: Ok Di bye.

With that I proceeded towards the library , I returned my book, and was looking for another book ...

A boy came and tapped my shoulder.

Me: Yeah?

Boy: You are shravya right?

Me: Yes I'm , you are from first year?

Boy: yes , actually Gavin sir called you.

Me: Gavin sir ? For what? Where?

Boy: yes, I don't know he told me to bring you .shall we go ?

Me: oh okay, give me a minute.

I left a message to the group saying that Gavin sir called me, so I'm going to meet him. Otherwise they will get worried.

Boy: Shall we go?

Me: Yeah..

With that he was taking me to the abunded area of our college , why would Gavin sir call me here?

Me: Hey, are you sure he called me here?

He hummed .

Weirdo, something is wrong for sure.

Me: Look, I will meet sir later, you can go .

Boy: No!! We are here .

With that he pushed me inside a empty room and ran away.

Me: stop !!! Where are you going ? Stop!!!

When I was going out of  the room, someone pushed me inside  again, because of which I fell down...

Me: Who are... You?

I couldn't see that man's face beacause of the darkness . My hand got injured when I fell down .

Me: Who the hell are you ? Let me go !!!
I screamed

He laughed sarcastically...

Person: I'll not let you go so easily miss. Shravya Agarwal...

And I knew who it was , his face was visible to me now .
But why would he do this to me ?

Me: You ? But why .....

Here's the 50th chapter guys...
50 chapters , all thanks to you all....
Keep supporting me guys...
And who trapped shravya ?
Any guesses?
Please vote and comment Guys...
Stay safe....

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