Chapter 22 🌷

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Writer's POV

They had Mr.Gavin's class First. That's their favourite period.
As usual it was fun. After the lecture Mr.Gavij told them to stay as he wants to discuss something with them. All the other students went out of the class. Only the gang and Mr.Gavin was there.

Mr.Gavin: Guys, I know what you all did.

All were confused.

Shub: What we did sir?

Mr.Gavin: The prank you all did with Mr.lee. I am talking about that.
He said with a serious face.

Reyansh: we don't want to hide from you sir. Yes we did it.

Vivan: But we don't regret it, but we promise that we won't do any prank on him again.

Mr.Gavin: Whatever you all did was not good .
He said and they all were looking down with guilty faces.

Suddenly Mr.Gavin started laughing.
All were looking at him confused

Abhay: Why are you laughing sir?

Mr.Gavin: Oh god kids it was really funny, even I was there at that time , I was passing from the corridor and I saw whatever happened in the class at that time . I'm a very bad professor, I'm laughing about your prank when I should actually scold you all.

All the others were laughing also.

Maira: You are the best sir!!!

Mr.Gavin: But actually it's not  good to do such pranks on your professors. I don't have any personal issues with Mr.lee, But I hate the way he behaved with you all.
But guys he has a soft corner for you all now. So try to win his trust. The drama you all did that day, he was very impressed thinking that you all supported him. So try to be on his good books now. Ok?

All: Ok sir!!!

Mr.Gavin: And please guys , never even think of doing such a dangerous prank on me ok?. After all you all are my favourites

Kiara: Never sir.

Tiya: We love you sir!!!

Mr.Gavin: I love you all too, now go and you all have a lecture now right?

All: Bye sir...

In the jamroom

Abhay's POV

We all were sitting in the jamroom while our perfect 3 were practicing
someone knocked on the door.

Nikki: I'll check.

Nikki: Oh hi Steven , come inside .

What is he doing here? I just hate him, he's always behind Tiya .

Steven: hey guys .

All except Abhay: Hiii

Steven:  Tiya Can you please come with me ? I wanted to take you somewhere .

What the hell!!! Why is he calling Tiya?

Tiya's POV

Me: umm Steven , can you just wait a little outside? I'll see if I have any work and will let you know.

Steven: yeah sure, I'll be waiting. Bye guys...

All: Bye.

Me: Guys what do you all think? Is it ok if I go with him?

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