Chapter 45🌷

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Writer's POV

Kiara: Non of your business..

Someone: Anything related to you guys is my business .

Nikki: Go away Ivaan.

Yes it was Ivaan and his gang.

Ivaan: Maira how do you even think that you will be the president of the college?

Maira: Just the same way you thought that you will be the president of the college Ivaan.

Shravu: Ha ha ha good one Di...

Ivaan: Just stay quiet you adopted girl.

Tiya: Don't you dare Ivaan.

Tiya yelled at him.

Shravu: You know what I really don't care ok ? Say whatever you want, I know I'm adopted but it doesn't affect me anymore. If you think that I will get hurt then I'm really sorry to say, but I don't ...

Girls were proud of her .

Ivaan: Whatever but mark my words maira I won't let you win.

With that he's went while the girls roller their eyes.

Kiara: Shravu so proud of you baby.

Shravu: Viv made me understand Di, so it doesn't matter me anymore.

She said grinning and the girls smiled wholeheartedly....

After two days came back ,after winning the series... They had a small party at Abhay's home.

Then their campaigns started , All the candidates were trying to get votes from the students .

Even the gang made posters , banners, leaflets saying to vote maira and distributed among everyone .

Most of the students were on Maira's side , as they knew that Maira is the most suitable person for the position.

Only three days were left for the the election.

Ivaan's gang was talking in a empty room.

Maddy: Ivaan buddy I think maira's gonna win this election.

Lisa: But we can't let that happen, you have to win Ivaan.

Ivaan: I will win guys by hook or by crook.

Maddy: Do you have any idea ?

Ivaan: What if something happen to Maira ? How will she come to the election? Even if he she comes she won't be able to take the position, so automatically  I will be the president.
He said with an evil smirk.

Lisa: So who's gonna do that?

Ivaan called someone.

Ivaan: Hello, yeah I will send the picture of the girl, the work should be done today . Just a minor accident, but nothing serious should happen to her . Just a broken leg or a hand would be enough . Understand?

Person: Ok sir.

Maddy: Awesome idea buddy.

Our gang got late after college , they were so tired, they were talking and walking towards the car park.

Maira: Guys ,sorry because of me you all got late ..

Shub: Are you mad or what anything for you.

He said side hugging her. While others nodded too.

Maira : No seriously guys, without you all I don't know what I would've done, I'm so lucky to have you all in my life , you all encourage and support me a lot , and that really means so much to me. I love you all ...

All hugged her ...

Maira : Ok so today's treat is on me . Let's go somewhere.

Vivan: Ok then let's go in my Jeep, we will get the cars later.

Ricky: Cool.

Maira: I will soon keep my stuff in my car and will join you all.

Nikki: Ok we will wait for you here.

She went running to het car ,a vehicle came speedly towards her and she met with the accident. It was Ivaan's plan but there was no break in that vehicle so that person couldn't control the car . Maira was lieing down unconsciously surrounded by a pool of blood .
Gang was shocked to react ...

All:Maira/ Di

They ran to her... She was not waking up , non of them were in their senses . Reyansh quickly lifted her up...

Reyansh: Get the jeep shub.

Shub: ye..ah...

All got into the car, Maira's head was on Nikki's lap...

Nikki: Maira wake up please girl, wake up, open your eyes... You are scareing us ...

Tears were rolling down from all of them. Ricky was just looking at her , he was in a shock.

They went to the nearby hospital..
Doctors took her to the ICU saying that her condition is critical..

Few of them were sitting on the chairs while others were roaming around the ICU... They all were crying badly , Ricky was broken .

Vivan: Shravu.

Shravu: Hmm

Vivan: Even mom met with a accident like this shravu, and Anya too  I can't loose anyone else. I can't loose anyone from our gang shravu

Shravu: Nothing will happen Viv, maira Di will be ok ...

Shub: Nikki, after we took Anya to the hospital, I have never came to the hospital after that. This is scaring me ...

Nikki was sobbing badly ...

Kiara was weeping too Reyansh was trying to calm her down and himself too.

Abhay was quiet as even he knows what it feels to lose someone close.
Tiya was silently sobbing ..

They inform Maira's parents and they were coming in the next flight as they were in London .

After few hours Doctor came out of  the ICU.

Shub: Doctor how's she?

Kiara: She is ok right???

Doctor nodded sideways....

Doctor: No she's not , she has lost so much of blood , we are giving her blood, but internally her organs are severely damaged . She is not responding well for the medication.

They all were dumbfounded after hearing this , Ricky knelt down on the floor crying .

Doctor: She can hear whatever we are saying, but she can't respond back. We will keep her under observation for four hours, then also if she doesn't regain concious then you all know what I mean...
I don't think she will survive ...

With that he went from there .

Here's the 45th chapter
Any guesses about the next chapter?
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Stay safe...

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