Chapter 28 🌷

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Abhay's POV

I came home after college , I didn't even say bye to others . I know Iam at fault , this is all my fault , even after knowing about Lisa's character, I started dating her. I just did that because I wanted to show people that I have moved on , and the other reason was I was angry with Tiya, or shall I say I was jealous. I know I feel something for Tiya , but I can't figure it out , and I'm not ready to accept it. Whatever I did was wrong I shouldn't have behaved with my friends like that . I have to solve all this right now .

Let's start from Lisa, I dialled her number

Abhay: Hello Lisa

Lisa: Hey Babyyy

Abhay: I need to to tell you something , this is really important.

Lisa: Ok what's it?

Abhay: Let's break up Lisa , this is not working out, you can easily find another boy , please but I can't love you ever.

Lisa: What are you saying Abhay? How can you do like this to me ? Is this because of your stupid friends?you are dumping because of those so called best friends of yours?

Abhay: Don't you dare to say anything against my friends Lisa! I never liked you , I was just flirting with you as I do with other girls too. But you misunderstood it and you proposed me , I said yes as I thought you must've changed and you deserve a chance . But No!!! The girl who cannot respect my friends don't deserve me . The way you spoke to shravu was disgusting. She is the youngest one among us, we all love her the most. She is my little sister, you don't have any right to talk to her like that!!! I can give more than hundred reasons to dump you.

Lisa: ohhh so you felt bad when I spoke About that adopted girl?

Abhay: Lisa!!!!!! Don't test my patience... Another word , I promise that I will forget that you are a girl... Just stay away from me and my friends . I'm warning you for the last time.

Lisa:Just see what I do !

I offed my phone . Finally it's over . Now I have to apologize from my gang .

Tiya's POV

I called Steven to my home , as I wanted to discuss something important with him .

Steven : Hey Babyyy
He said hugging me.

Me: Come in Steve.

Steven: Yeah so what happend ? Are you ok? What's wrong darling?

I feel so bad to do this Steven . Tears were forming in my eyes . Steven holded my hand .

Steven: what's wrong Tiya? Please tell me.

Me: Steve this is not working out, I think we should stop this , I know you love me a lot. But I don't deserve your love , I can't get over of Abhay. I feel so bad to giving you hopes. And I know one sided love is really hurtful. And I don't want to hurt you anymore. I really like your character, personality, you are perfect Steve, but I can't forget Abhay . I'm really sorry Steven . I feel really bad to do this to you.

With that I broke down .

Steven: Shhhhh idiot, don't say sorry, you are not at fault, loving someone is not a crime . I never had any hopes that you will love me back Tiya , I know how much you love him. But I'm glad that you tried your best to give a chance to our relationship. But I knew this is not gonna workout, I was waiting for you to confess what you feel. I love you but I can move on , iam so handsome girl, I can find any girl right? Let's be friends , all this while we were like friends only , so will you be my friend Tiya ?

Tiya : for sure you can , and yeah you are already my friend  and you are the best !!

Steven: I know
With that I hugged him tightly .

Writer's POV

Whole  gang except Tiya and Abhay were sitting in the park where they all used come after bunking college.
It's like their secret place . They all were lost in their own thoughts. This is the first time they all were being quiet for a long time. They all were upset because whatever happened between them.
Tiya also joined them after a while even Abhay came there. They all were still quiet.

Abhay: Guys I need to tell you all  something .

He broke the silence while others nodded at him to continue.

Abhay: first thing is I broke up with Lisa.

Everyone looked at him with a shocked face.

Abhay: second thing is , I'm really very  sorry, I know I always mess up everything and then I say sorry ,but I promise I will never hurt you all again . I don't deserve your forgiveness, but still I'm sorry guys , Lisa's chapter is over now . For me you all are enough. I don't know wether you all know about my past or not. Just to show everyone that I've moved on I said yes to Lisa, as well as to be honest I was jealous of Tiya , I don't know why is that. I know Iam stupid and Dumb, but I can't live without you all. I'm sorry.

He said with tears , all were having tears too, they all ran to him and hugged him tightly. They all had a big smile on their faces .

Kiara : Dumbo ! Now only you got your brains .

She said while smacking abhay's Head.

All: True.

Tiya : Guys even I have something to share.

Reyansh: What's that?

Tiya: Even I broke up with Steven .

All were super shocked to hear that.

Maira: What? but why?

Tiya: I don't love him guys , I don't know I can ever. I didn't want to hurt him anymore, we are good friends now .we broke up with good terms .

Shub: Yeah , then it's better.

Abhay was having a huge smile on his face after that, everyone noticed that but ignored it.

Abhay: But I didn't broke up with good terms , she must be planning to murder me...ha ha ha

All laughed.

Nikki: Why ? What did you do ?

Abhay: I was going to break up nicely , but with her it was impossible, so we argued , and I can't keep quiet when she speak rubbish about my little sister right ?

He said side hugging shravu .

Shravu: Yesss.... Thank god now we don't have to tolerate her.

Vivan: Yeah , but still we have ti tolerate you ! That's the biggest headache.

With that shravu started beating him while other were laughing .

Ricky: Finally everything is fine . We all are together .

They all had a group hug.

All: Yes! Together forever!!!

Here's the 28th chapter.....
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