Chapter 30🌷

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Writer's POV.

As usual all came to the college, and were waiting in the jamroom for shravu and Vivan as they were late.

Reyansh: Iam sure princess must be sleeping , that's why they are late.

Maira: She will be here , Reyansh, she is not alone right , she's with Vivan .

Ricky: Here after I will pick shravu , she doesn't have to come with Vivan .

Kiara: Why? no need ok. Let her come with her best friend . You don't have to worry about her when she's with Vivan.

Then they saw them coming, shravu was blabbering something while Vivan was making faces.

Shub: Why did you both get late?

Vivan: Ask from this drama queen
He said smacking her head lightly.

Reyansh: What did you do shravu?

Shravu: I didn't do anything Bhai, Viv's mad . Iam a good girl Noh Bhai , I listened to Viv , I didn't trouble him at all. We didn't get late because of me .

She said making a innocent face, all were sure that she did something mischievous. Vivan was glaring at her.

Tiya: What our cutie did?

Vivan: ugh don't even talk about that Tiya, I would've been jailed because of this drama queen .
When we were coming , we got stuck in the traffic.


Vivan's POV.

Shravu: Viv, I want to have Ice cream .please.

Me: What? No shravu, it's not good to have Ice cream this early,  you will catch cold easily, your hair also still wet, so not now ok?.

Shravu: No , I want to have now , that's all ,I want please viv....

Me: No after college I'll get you .

Shravu: I'm asking for the last time Viv yes or no ?

Me: No!

Shravu: Ok fine.

She opened the shutter and  called the police officer.

Shravu: Sir I need your help .

Me: What are you doing shravu , are you mad ?

Police officer: What happend dear?

Shravu: Police uncle this person is kidnapping me, please help me .

Me: What? mad girl what are you saying .

Shravu: saw how he's scolding me uncle ? Please help me . Arrest him sir .

Police officer: How dare you kidanap a girl, come out from the car .

Me: Seriously shravu!? Ok fine I'll get you  ice ream , now clear this mess you created.

Shravu : yayyy ok I'll do!!!. Uncle uncle leave him, he's my best friend , I was angry with him so that's why I called you .

Police officer: Don't play with police officers got it? Or else they will arrest you .

He went after warning shravu, while I got her a ice cream and scolded her , but no she didn't even care ,that iam scolding her, she was nicely enjoying her ice cream.

Flashback ends.

Writer's POV

Viv: so this is what happend .

All burst into laughter.

Abhay: Omg shravu , that was so fun . Good for him. Ha ha ha ha

Shravu giggled while Viv punched abhay's stomach

Reyansh: What's this behaviour princess ? I didn't expect this from you . Why are you not listening to me , I always tell you to behave your self and no mischievous acts ?

Shravu: Sorry bhai
She said looking down , Vivan felt bad .

Viv: Ok ok Reyansh, Enough, she is childish, that's ok , don't scold her .

Reyansh: ok but listen to Vivan, when he say something which is good for you Princess. You know right that you get sick easily.

Kiara : Ok ok have this vitamin C tablet. You won't catch cold

Shravu had it.

Reyansh wisphered a "thank you" to Kiara. She was startled first then even she wisphered back " welcome''

Shravu: Thank you Viv, for saving me from Bhai's scolding and sorry for my behaviour.

Viv: That's ok shravu, you noh right that I don't have any problem with your childishness. Its just that I was worried for you.

Shravu: I know .  You are the best .

They all were practicing for the Talent show after attending the lectures.

A boy came there and called shravu.

Boy: Hey shravu!
He said with a grin.

Shravu : oh hi Rish.
She returned the grin.

Rish is also in their batch. He is shravu's friend. As well as others except Vivan's. As he doesn't like him. Rish likes shravya . But she don't have any idea about it .

Shravu: What's up Rish?

Rish: Nothing much, what's going on?

Shravu: Practicinggg nothing else .

Rish: You are coming for Veronica's birthday party tomorrow? She invited you all right?

Shravu: Yeah she invited all of us , we are planning to come . What about you .

Rish: Even I'm coming, ok shravu gotta go . Will see you later.

Shravu: Ok Rish bye .

Shravu's brothers were glaring at him all this while Vivan was burning with jealousy .

Shravu: What's wrong with you boys ?

Shub: Isn't he trying to be too close to you ?

Ricky: I don't like the way he look at you .

Other boys: Me too.

Girls facepalmed at their possessiveness.

Shravu: You guys are impossible, he is just a good friend .

Abhay: Tiya come let's go and practice.

Tiya : Ok let's go.

Shub: Baby I will pick you tomorrow, for the party ok.

Nikki: Ok Shubi.

Maira: Monkey , can you pick me up tomorrow? My car is in the garage.

Ricky: Okay

Vivan was quiet all this time Kiara noticed this .

Kiara : Viv, can you pick me up tomorrow for the party?
Vivan nodded

Reyansh: Why ? I'll pick you up.

Kiara: No reyansh , I'll come with him, you can come with shravu. I have some work with Vivan .

Reyansh: Oh ok ok.

They all went home after college , Vivan didn't talk to shravu the whole day .

Here's the 30th chapter guys....
Hope you all love it....
30 chapters guys, this won't be possible without you guys ....
See you all in the next chapter....
Take care.

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