Chapter 24🌷

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Writer's POV

Next day at Reyansh's home.
Shravu was still sleeping.
Reyansh came to her room and saw her sleeping.

Reyansh: Princess, wake up will get late , come on wake up like a good girl.

Shravu: Bhai please let me sleep
She said covering her face with the blanket.

Reyansh: Princess can you go to college with someone else today?

Shravu: Why?

Reyansh: uhmmm I thought to pick Kiara today.

Shravu got seated in front of him with a teasing smile ,

Shravu: Woow not bad , trying to impress my future sister law? Ah?

Reyansh: Shut up princess, nothing like that
He said blushing

Shravu: oh my cheese cake..... My brother is blushing....the arrogant, short tempered, aggressive monster Reyansh Agarwal is blushing....such a rare scene to watch....

Reyansh: Uhhh drama queen , stop teasing me and get ready ok ? And with whom you are coming college.

Shravu: As my brother is leaving me for my future sister in law, I will come to  college with my best friend.

Reyansh: Vivan?

Shravu: Yeahhh.

Reyansh: ok , bye princess, take care .

Shravu: Ok have fun with your future wife .

Reyansh went smacking her head.

Shravya messaged Vivan to pick her up from home.

Reyansh's POV

While diving to kiara's home, I was just thinking about her and whatever princess said .
Iam falling for her, but what if for her I'm just her best friend?

I parked Infront of her home and messaged her to come out.

Woow she looks so divine.
She got into the car.

Kiara: Good morning Reyansh

Me: Good morning Kiara.
        You are looking pretty.

Kiara: Thank you Reyansh
She said looking down , is she blushing?

Kiara: By the way where's shravu?

Me: She wanted to come with Vivan so I came to pick you up.

Kiara: Oh ok,let's go.

We both were talking with each other till we reach the college.

Vivan's POV

I came to pickup shravu as she called me but this girl is still not here.
Oh here she comes.
Struggling to make a bun with her hair.

I don't know what happened to me that I went near her .

Me: leave it like that shravu, you look nice with open hair.

Shravu: okay. Let's go

Me: Why are you coming with me today? Where's Reyansh?

Shravu: Bhai dumped me for my soon to be sister in law.
She said casually while I was shocked .

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