Chapter 55🌷

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Shub's POV

It's our Gavin Sir's and Alijah maam's wedding day , our gang were the bestmans and bridesmaids...
Girls were dressed in light purple colour dresses, even we matched our tie colour with them .

We boys were standing with our girls .
Ivaan, Veronica, Steven , Mr.lee also there, principal sir couldn't attend because of a family function.

Nikki: Shubi what are you thinking?

Me: I'm thinking how our lives got changed , we are almost in the last year of college . We all are happy with our friends , and love . We are blessed .our lives changed for better.

Nikki: yeah Shubi, just look at Gavin sir and Alijah ma'am, they were just strangers , when we joined the college , we kept on teasing them, their tiny winy crush turned into love and now they are getting married, bounded together forever. They are lucky that they are getting married with the love of their life.

Me: Baby, why don't we get married too?

She was startled with my question

Nikki: What now ? We are still in the college Shubi.

Me: Not now love , after college gets over .

Nikki: Let's see Shubi , let's just enjoy their wedding now .

Me: Don't you want to marry me ?

Nikki: Stupid! Are you mad or what? You are my love , who will I marry other than you ?

She said smacking my head , I grinned and kissed her cheek . She turned into a tomato.

Nikki: Shubi !!! Stop it and concentrate on the wedding .

Vivan's POV

My baby is looking like an angel , I was standing next to her my hand was on her waist and she was leaning on me while enjoying the wedding .

Me: Baby !!! Even we will have a church wedding right?

Shravu: Of course Viv!!

Me: I can't wait to make you mine !

Shravu: Oh god Viv , we have enough time for it ok? My brothers have to give me permission to marry you, and that's not gonna be easy at all.

She said and I sighed .

Me: You and your brothers..

I said shaking my head while she chuckled  kissing my hand , which was interwined with her hand.

Tiya's POV

I just love attending weddings , it's mesmerising. I was lost in my thought when I felt that a hand was snaking my waist from behind. And I knew that it's my love. I leaned on to his chest . While he kept his chin on my shoulder .

Abhay: I thought you will scold me for back hugging you Infront of everyone.

I chuckled.

Me: Everyone is concentrating on the wedding, if they see also , I don't mind , let them know that I'm yours.

Abhay: Forever my love , and I can't wait to get married with you like this !!!

Me: Me too baby...

Ricky's POV.

I interwined my hand with Maira and she kept her head on my shoulder.

Me: Mairu, when are we getting married ?

Maira lifted his head and looked at with me with a shocked face .which confused me .

Maira: What did you say?

Me: I said when are we getting married ?

Maira: How can you even think that I will marry a monkey like you ?

I was shocked with that answer .

Me: What? That means you will not marry me ?

Maira: No !!! Are you mad ...

I was so upset with her answer, then I heard her giggling, she encircled her hands around my neck and kissed my cheek.

Me: Idiot! I was kidding , I know you are a monkey , but my monkey with whom I wanna spend my whole life with .

I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Kiara's POV

Reyansh: I'm getting bored , how many vows they are taking ? I'm fed uped. I don't know why you love weddings so much .

This man is unbelievable.

Me: They are not boring Reyu, They are taking promises for a lifetime with each other .

Reyansh: let's do a register marriage , in a registrar office, I can't tolerate all these rituals and all . About promises, I give you everyday baby, we don't have to display our promises Infront of others .

Me: No no no !!! If it's just a register marriage I'm not gonna marry you , I wanna have a wedding like this , with our loved ones. In a beautiful church , decorations, Everything. I wanna do all the rituals .Don't you dare to break my dream.

Reyansh smiled and side hugged me while pecking my forehead .

Reyansh: As you say my queen .

Writer's POV.

Mr. Gavin and Alijah maam exchanged rings , then the priest anounced them as Husband and wife .

Priest: You may kiss the bride .

Mr.Gavin: I will but, kids please close your eyes , your ma'am will feel shy.

Abhay:  That's vNot a new thing sir , whatever you do maam will always blush.

Miss.Alijah: Stop it guys.

Mr.Gavin pecked her forehead.

Mr.Gavin: Ok let's go my wify .

Before she was going inside the car she threw her bouquet and Nikki got it .

Shub came near her and went on his knees .

Nikki was shocked as well as others .

Shub: Nikki, baby I know you are really shocked right now , but after seeing this wedding today , I couldn't control myself from doing this , I know we are still in college , but I wanna marry you as soon as  our college life gets over , which is after few months , I'm sure that you are the one with whom I wanna spend the rest of my life with, I want you to be a part of my future , I didn't propose you well  when I asked  you to be my girlfriend, even today I'm not , but I promise I will love you forever , and will do my best to give you all the happiness you crave for , so Will you marry me Nikki Arora ?

Tears were flowing down from Nikki's eyes but she had a beautiful smile on her face .

Nikki: Yes!! Yes !! I will Shubi ...

They hugged each other ...All of them cheered for them , specially their gang as it's gonna be the first wedding of their gang.

So here's the 55th Chapter....
Our favourite professors got married and this chapter for all my lovely readers who wanted a Romantic chapter...
Very cheesy right?
Iam really bad at writing Romantic scenes , but I tried my best , as I wanted to fulfill your wishes for supporting me through out the book....
There will be two or three more chapters as I have got some requests...
Then there will be a epilogue..
Please vote and comment your favourite scene .
Stay Safe....

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