Chapter 49🌷

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Writer's POV

After That they all took Dave to the the police station. They gave the recording where he confess his crime, to the police station.

Police released Ivaan, he was silently crying, they all went to the college to inform everything to the Principal and professors, after that they went to the cafeteria. Maddy came there to meet Ivaan.

Shub:Look Vivan ,I know you hate us and even we don't like your behaviour But why were you arguing with Elena last night?

He was quite.

Veronica: Stop showing your attitude to them atleast now Ivaan!!! You are here just because of them. And why did you argue with Elena ? Answer me?

She literally yelled.

Tiya: Veronica calm down .

Ivaan: Thank you for getting her justice . What I had for Elena was not just a crush. I really...loved her... But she rejected me ,and I was never angry with her for that. Last night I saw her crying and I went towards her, she told me whatever Dave did to her, she was broken, I couldn't see her like that,so I told her that   I'm gonna teach a lesson to Dave, but she didn't let me, we argued for that, then she told me that she realise that how much I love her... , at that time she got a message from someone and she sent me from there forcefully , before I go she hugged me and cried ,maybe that's when her bracelet got stuck on my clothes.....
If I knew that something like that was going to happen I would have never left her alone. I should be blamed for her death....  Responsible for everything...

Tears were streaming down from his eyes uncontrollably... Others were on tears too....

Abhay: I can understand Ivaan, don't blame yourself, try to move on.

Vivan: Yeah whatever happened was destiny, no use of blaming yourself for that, everything will be fine.

Vivan said while looking at shravu , she nodded with a  small smile as they were the same words what Shravu told him.

Ivaan nodded.

Ivaan: Thank you, I want to go home.

With that he went home with Maddy...

Next day they all attended Elena's funeral. The whole college was gloomy, with just a lose of one student... Her death was unexpected for all of them.

After one month...

Everyone were back to their normal life, Ivaan and Maddy doesn't mess with them now. Ivaan told Lisa to leave their gang.

Maira recovered from her injuries totally. Ivaan gave up his president position, and Rish replaced the position.

They all were sitting in the jamroom after attending lectures..

Ricky: Guys let's bunk college .

Kiara: No! Don't you remember how we got caught last time?

Nikki: Yeah we had to clean those dirty places also, and I hate dust , so please No.

Shub: Even principal warned us , it's a bad idea to bunk again.

Abhay: But it's been too long since we bunked.

Shravu: Yeahhhh

Maira: But how are we gonna bunk?

Vivan: As usual with the help of the wall.

After convincing shub, Nikki and Kiara they all bunked college.
And went to their secret place...
They had junk foods, played games .

Ricky: Let's play truth or dare.

All: Ok.

They had a soft drink bottle . Ricky rotated the Bottle and it stopped on Abhay. He chose truth

Nikki: I'll ask, so Abhay have you really moved on ? And about Tiya what do you feel honestly?

All needed a answer for this except Tiya.

Abhay: Yes I have really moved on guys, it's not like I have forgotten Anya, she will always be in my memories. She was the best phase of my past, but my present and future belongs to Tiya , and I really love her the most , she will always be my last love .

All: Awww

And Tiya blushed .

Then the bottle stopped on Vivan. And he chose truth too.

Maira: We know that you love someone ? But we don't know who's she. Who is that girl who stole your heart Vivan?

Shravu got tensed and Vivan gave a devil smirk to her.

Vivan: She is here.

Reyansh: What?

The only single girl was there is Shravya. All looked at her the difference was girls looked at her with a smile while boys were on their possessive mode.
Shravu was literally sweating.
Vivan knew that it's not the right time .

Vivan: I mean in this park . Not between us. She was here sometime before but now I don't know .

Shravu was glaring at him.

Abhay: Why are you not telling us about her? Atleast her name ?

Vivan: Not now buddy but I will let you all know as soon as she accepts my proposal.

Shravu was looking here and there, Kiara and Tiya understood whatever was going on , as they had a doubt already.

Like that they asked some unexpected questions and did some fun dares. And went back home .

Here's the chapter 49
Hope you all like it...
Any guesses for the next chapter?
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Stay safe....
I would love if you all call me Ashi , as I have changed the name from Shashi to Ashi....

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