Chapter one - undercover

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A/n :   y/n = your name

What's the meaning of life? thats the question  everyone wants to know... i believe that everyone has a destiny to full-fill before there story ends , so this is where mine starts.

My feet thudding against the cold wet floor my bare feet sore but I keep running "help , help! " I cry running to the large building. I run to the door, my knuckles white from my tight grip of my hand in a fist " please , help me ,let me in! " I scream Turing my head quickly to look behind me " please...! " I mutter loudly while I feel a lump form in my throat as tears start to form in my eyes.

I'm cheeks red with heat as tears flow down them " what is wrong?!" i hear a voice say over the speakers, yes it was tony stark now all i need to do is remember my story " I'm being chased!" i mutter out looking at the camera trying to sound believable while whipping tears of my chin.

I hear a buzzing sound then over the speakers I hear someone say " come in and tell us what's happening" says the voice witch I believe is tony stark. I walk in drying my tears with my sleeve while breathing heavy in '' exhaustion '' I walk in to see all the avengers staring at me and some with worry on there face others with suspicious Narrowed eyes looking at me " tell us what's wrong..." says Wanda handing me a tissues " thank you... I'm being chased" I mutter

Nat looks worried while stile being cautious " who is chasing you..?" she says putting her arm on my shoulder and leading me to the couch, i sit down lowly as i revise step three of my plan *make them think i need them to protect me from hydra* " i-I'm being hunted by... h-hydra " i stutter , i see Steve and buckys eyes widen " will you help me?" i say looking up at them with pleading eyes.

my eyes shifting from each person " we will help y-" peter parker begins to talk " how do we know we can trust you..?" says Loki sitting on the foot rest in-front of me  then putting his elbows on his knees leaning forward to face me, nows my chance to milk it i think to myself flinching back , jolting my hands to my face to protect myself " oh.. " he sighs sitting back, i slowly put my hands down " Tony lets let her stay here until me figure this out" says Thor.

they believe me almost there " ok you can take the spare room" says tony, step four * get them to let me stay * check. Sam walks me to my room " here we'll talk later with you later just make yourself comfortable" he says opening the room door and leaving, I walk in and sit on the bed that's in the corner of the room looking around to see an empty book case, a bedside table and a bathroom " hey I'm across from you in this room so don't try anything " I hear a voice at the door snapping me from my thoughts , it was Loki , he walks into his room " and I'm next to his room " says Peter walking past leaning on the door frame " so if you need anything, or try anything I'm right there " he says pointing to a door just five steps from mine " ok... " I say.

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