Chapter twleve - the mall

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Chapter twelve - the mall

I begin walking away but I know I must go and speed up to run,I turn my head to take one last look at the compound and continue into the street.

I figure it's to easy to find me here so I'm buying supplies then running to the woods before they have time to start a search.

I only have ten dollars which isn't enough,i dont think I can bring myself to pick pocket and turn back to my thirteen year old self. I know I might need pads if I get my period,so that's four dollars gone.

I put down my items in the check out, four dollar pads two dollars for two water bottles and four dollars for a loaf of bread.I hope that will keep me going for a couple days.

Maybe I can do shows for money on the street,wait that will cause attraction to me but not if I do it now,wait but I have nothing to show.I put down my bag and set up in the middle of the mall.

Ok , maybe I'll show my fighting skills,no that won't work,but wait if I teach self defence I'll feel help full as well as getting money.

" self defence help for only five dollars!!" I yell trying to sound professional and not making the price to high, I notice two teen girls walk by " hello my names y/n , do you want to learn some self defence for five dollars?" , they think for a moment.

" it can be a scary world , do you ever feel scared when walking with out your parents?" i think this was a good i can help kids with no self defence exper- " no we're good " says one of them then the walk away.

this isn't going well... i cant do this i need to snap out of this sadness " five dollars for self defence help!" i say , a girl that looks around the age of 15 walks up to me.

" hi ... ummm can you punch?" she says shyly looking to the ground " hello, yes i can teach you to punch for two dollars or you could get a whole lesson of ten dollars" I say trying to sound extra kind.

" ok..." she says taking a two dollar out of her purse and handing it to me, I put it in my bag " ok out your legs like this" I begin " and your non dominant leg here" I tell her all the steps and eventually she gets the hang of it.

" you're good at this" I say " thank you" she says " stay safe and have a nice day" I say as she picks up her things, I feel good even if I only have two dollars.

It's seven in the morning and not many people but I manage to get two other people but by the time I'm done it's almost eight and the avenger will come soon.

I put the money in my bag and run to the woods , I don't run far but enough so they'll have to look for a little, I find a big rock and lean against it and open my backpack. Fourteen dollars in cash , not to bad I guess, I go to take out my yogurt and see a note.

It has twenty dollars taped to it.

*hey y/n please be safe, I hope this will come in use ~ Loki *

Loki just gave me a meal or two I can't thank him but I think he knows I appreciate it, I put the twenty with the rest of my money and eat my yogurt.

I clean the spoon with my spit and shirt then put it away, I won't leave my rubbish on the floor for a animal to eat so I fold it to cover the middle and put it in the side pocket of my bag.

I decide to not to bother settling down it was only the morning still I just snuggled up in my jumper,I drift away into thought when I find myself remember that night,that night with Loki.

I still don't know how I feel about the situation that occurred,usually I try to keep it out of mind but once it's there it's hard to stopping thinking of it.

I'm mad at him but also don't want to be,it was sweet in a creepy way i dont know i guess I just can't make my mind up "y/n!" I hear screamed from in the forest.

I got to get out of here! I throw my backpack over my shoulder then the other jumping to my feet and running like the wind in the opposite direction.

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