Chapter five - no where to go

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Chapter five - no where to go

I'm going to make friends with them all then just one I go to the lunch room that's where most of them hangout " hey guys what's up" I say walking in " uh hey y/n it's been so a while since we saw you" says Nat.

Sit down next to Wanda and Nat " so what are you guys up to?" i say smiling forgetting  all my troubles with Loki,but my smile drops as everyone looks at me in sorrow "y/n..." Steve continues , I stand " what?! what is it!?" i feel like something is gonna go terribly wrong.

They all look at me " we don't know if you can stay for more then tonight " says Steve , I had forget how long today had been going,that only this morning I ran in here screaming for help "but...but I have no where to go..." My voice breaking in despair.

" we're sorry but we just don't have enough trust to just let you stay here ,you're a stranger " says tony " then make friends with me,I'll clean I'll cook ill do anything!" I can't let my mission fail the first day I want to see there sorry faces when they found out they're happy days are over.

Caption marvel puts her hand on my shoulder " it's not our choice it's S.H.I.L.E.Ds " she says comforting me " well then call them , tell them I'm not a threat!" I say in worry " that's the thing..." Steve begins " we don't know if you are..." says Bucky.

It just came over me,how could they trust me I just came running in there door with a story that could have easily been planned, what will i do now?!

i feel a lump in my throat and not just acting, i cant let this happen its so nice here and so is everyone except Loki, plus if i fail this mission hydra will throw me out and id be all by myself with no house and no money. 

" I promise you I won't do anything , I need some where to stay and I have no money for a hotel or house, hydra burnt down my house..." hydra didn't really burn down my house, a house fire did "and it killed my mum and dad..." the fire did do that though.

Tony look at me then steps forward " ok...well I'll call S.H.I.E.L.D " he says walking to his office, I let out a relief-full sigh,maybe it'll all be ok.
" hey guys what's- y/n... why has she been crying?!" Loki just walked in the room, he doesn't have to try so hard to care " I'm fine" I feel anger feel my whole body " you don't look fine " he says snarkly "whatever" I say , everyone can feel the tension in the room.

Bruce races an eyebrow " what's up with you too" he says " nothing...he's just a jerk" I say " I'm going upstairs" I say stepping forward but I'm stopped by Loki's voice " what did you just call me!? " i see his jaw clench in anger " you heard me" i smirk and continue to walk to the stairs " says a you with your anger issues , thinking everyones against you" he growls.

i take a deep breath as i am infuriated " whatever in dont fighting with you"i say finally making my way upstairs to my room.

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