Chapter fourteen - hydra

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Chapter fourteen - hydra

We make our way to the compound door , I guess it's now or never I either get out in jail or finally have somewhere to live with free-will. The door open "y/n you're safe!" I hear Wanda say,she raps her arms around me as I do back and pull away after a moment and walk all the way into the room.

Everyone greats me telling me how they were worried and how they forgive me even when they didn't at first when they read the note.I feel happy and know they care for me as I do them.

"so do we have to fight hydra now" says Peter worried " no Peter we don't have-" I pause, I had forgotten all about how hydra would kill me for abandoning my mission and they must know by now with all the missing posters they put up.

I feel all eyes on me as I put my hands to my face " sh1t..." I say "we have to get ready for them to attack us" I say with a sad sigh.

What will I do I hadn't thought of how mad they'd be and how the avengers and me hadn't prepared for this war that was now on its way to try to end my story here as well as my the avengers the only people who care for me.

" oh my gosh we have to get ready to fight hydra will be after us" says tony " you got this Bucky " I ask to make sure Bucky could handle fighting hydra after his trauma " yes" I says slightly nodding his head.

We get all our weapons ready and prepare for the fight knowing hydra will be here soon , very soon.

A/n : I know this is a short chapter but the next chapter will have the battle and also this story is close to the end :)

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