Chapter ten - secret revealed

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Chapter ten - secret revealed

The day passes and its time for bed, I get in my pjs and get in my bed, I sit on my bed and play on my phone.soon I get tired and go to sleep.when I wake up it's six in the morning so I get dressed and go make some food because I'm hungry but make sure to be quiet.

For hero's I thought they'd be up at six.I make some eggs ( if you don't like eggs then what ever you want ) as I wait for them to cook ( or make it ) I just think and get lost in thought "hey" a voice makes my jump as I was lost in mind , I turn around to see Loki " oh , hi" I say " didn't mean to scare you , what are you doing up so early?" he asks " I wake up early most days " I say.

" cool..." he says waking up to me and leaning up against counter beside me " did you umm want some eggs?" ( or the other food ) I say "yeah sure" he says and grabs a glass " you want some water..?" he asks "yeah sure..." i say , he fulls a glass up with water.

There is a awkward silence in the air " why where you so mean to me on the first day? " i ask " I'm just not good with new people and always overreact " he says " oh..." that makes me hate him so much let " sorry about that by the way" he says " thank you" i say.

" y/n I..." Loki begins the stopped " what's up?" i ask , he looks mad and heart broken at the same time " i know you work for hydra..." he says , my eyes widen " how do you know that!?" i say not loud but my voice is confused and angry " i heard you on the phone with the hydra agent the other day..." he says looking down.

" how come you haven't given me up?" he must me crazy to not put me in jail knowing i have intentions to break all their hearts even if i didn't want to " well... I heard how you didn't want to and also guess I just didn't want to believe it..." he says " I'm sorry.." I feel my eyes fill with tears.

" why are you doing this!?" he says to me " Loki ... come sit with me" i say as tears fall down my cheeks , i sit onto the couch " its my mission i cant just give up , ill have nowhere to go and nothing , i started working for hydra when i was young and had nothing so they have always given me what i need to survive" i say.

" why stay with them , why not buy a house and make friends?" he says as he too has tears in his eye that he wipes away as fast as he can " it not that simple , where would I get the money " I say , Loki looks at me he looks very upset " i dont know find a way not work for them!" He says beginning to not see the good in me.

" I promise Loki I'm a good person , I just have no way out of this , if I quit you guys would get suspicious that I'm not hiding and if I stay I break everyone's hearts then live my same life but even sadder..." I say , Loki stands up angry now " why not just tell us your problem straight away we could have helped you!" He yells

" I- I don't know... please Loki don't tell them..." I cry and stand in-front of him " I don't think I can just let you do this!!" He yells , I got to respond then see smoke " sh1t! The eggs!" I run to the pan and turn it off and put pan in the sink.

I put the eggs in the bin a clean up and fix the problem as Loki sits on the couch and we are silent , both with red eyes and unhappy faces, I hear feet coming down stairs " what's burning!?" Says Nat running down , she looks at us and stops " whoa what happened down here?"

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