Chapter fifteen- war

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Chapter fifteen- war

I throw my arrow holder over my shoulder and hold my bow then making sure my knife in my pocket is secure " you all ready?" tony says pressing some buttons i assume are to help protect the compound.

"ready as I'll ever be" I say. we all sit on the couch waiting in an awkward silence. "sooo" I long "o" in to break the silence," y/n can I talk to you?" Loki says.

"yeah sure whats up?" i ask "like...alone" he says "oh" i walk off to the laundry and he follows behind. I stand there waiting for him to speak , I can tell he is nervous.

" so what is it you needed to tell me?" I ask  playing with the ring on my finger " well y/n I just want to say if this doesn't go as planned I-" he starts but I stop him " Loki don't even say that..." I sigh.

" no but I need to tell you this and I'm afraid if it will be to late... y/n I don't regret that kiss , I don't regret any of it , I want to be with you y/n and not just for while you train or when we see each other around the compound ..." he says keeping eye contact.

I dont know how to react I've never felt this way for anyone and didn't think he would feel the same,it's awkward but in a good way, i dont know how to describe it.

" Loki I..." I trail off. "no it's ok I get it, if you don't feel the same it's fine I can stay friends" he says looking to the floor "Loki" I chuckle "read the sighs". " I feel the same as you" I say "oh" his face lights up and he looks at me.

*crash*. there's a loud noice of something hitting the ground, I run into where we where waiting " there here!!" Yells Steve to us "get ready guys" says vision.

We all run outside and see around ten or more hydra agents waiting for us with weapons and angry faces. " you're  a trader!!" Yells one of the agents I had seen around work here and there.

" you should have never abandoned your mission" says my boss " but there's still time to change your mind , join us " he says.

" I would never join you!" I yell "you did once , why not again?" he says. " give me one reason to join hydra again if you're so sure i should" i say. " they dont care for you , all they want is another hero to help them, we have cared for you your whole life , put a roof over your head , food to eat"  he says.

" yes but i was your little puppet!" i yell "dont pull the sympathy card , it was your way of paying us for our kindness" he says " kindness!? kindness!?" i chuckle in disbelief he believes that was kind. 

" this your last chance , come on do you really think they care for you , once they kill us , they'll kill you , you're the enemy remember!" he trys to convince me.

" dont listen to him y/n!" yells nat " yeah hes just trying to manipulate you!" says Clint.

" i-". theres a lump in my throat i cant get my words past it " no.... not anymore" i stand tall, clints right , I'm not the enemy , not anymore.

me and the avengers run at them, knifes fly,arrows speed though the air, punches are thrown.i see tony make one pass out with a punch. one runs at me with a knife,I pull the knife from my pocket.

She swings her knife at me and her red hair flicks over her shoulder, I step back and duck dodging her knife, moving my knife to cut try and cut her leg but she moves back in time before I cut her.

I hear her grunt as she tackles me to the ground, he's on top of me with her knife to my throat " you really should have stocked with us" she says out before she slits my throat I grab her shoulders and flip her to be under me.

"Nope I think I'll stay" I say before taking her knife from her hand and throwing it across the grass filled, I sigh before knocking her out with a quick strong punch.

" y/n!!" I hear Bruce cry "sams hurt!" He yells , " I'm coming!" I jump off her and look around the yard , then spot Sam on the floor holding his hip , I run as fast as I can past people fighting to him.

"I got stabbed" he says " just stay still I'll heal you, but it will take a moment you know I need practice on others" I say rubbing my hands together, then placing them hovering over his wound as the illuminate green flows though my hands.

As I heal him feel the energy drain from me     But continue, try to go as fast as possible knowing we could be attacked at any moment but the avengers are holding them off.

After a minute it's finished " thank you y/n" he says standing up " you'll be fine" I say "what about you, are you ok?" he asks worried " I'll be fine" I say.

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