Chapter nine - girl friends

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Chapter nine - girl friends

We stand looking at each other shock printed on both our face , I can't believe that just happened , I don't know if I like it or didn't " we both agree not to speak of ever again " he says fixing his tie " one hundred percent" I say opening my door "go down before me" I say "yep" he says walking out.

About five later I walk down stairs " hey guys!" I say sitting next to Wanda " hey y/n we were just going to find you" says Nat " oh yeah what's up?" i ask " we wonder if you want to come to the shops with us maybe get some new clothes" says Wanda "of course " is say " great we'll grab our stuff " says Wanda walking to her room.

we split off and grab out stuff , i dont have much i only have my training clothes and my clothes i came in as well as my pjs so i just grab my jacket. Wanda and nat are still getting their things so i wait at the door, tony walks up to me , and hands me two fifty dollar bills , i look confused "go buy some clothes you dont have much" he says kindly.

i past it back "I'm not taking your money ill handle with what i had when i ran in" i cant just take a hundred bucks from him " i insist , i own a very large company" he says " i know..." he is very rich but i dont know what to do with so much money , I've never had much before.

he holds it out and makes a pleading face "fine..." i take it and put it in my pocket and zip it up , zip up pant pockets are my favourite invention , us girls never have good pockets or pockets at all. Nat and Wanda walk down stairs and up to me.

" let's go " says Nat and I open the door "who's car are we taking?" asks Wanda " let's take mine " says Nat " ok " she says,i sit in the back and Nat drives, Wandas in the front. we are on our way " so y/n tell us more about yourself " says Wanda " well...I like F/s and F/b " I tell them my favourite show/movie and book " oh I like them too" says Nat.

" what about you guys? " i ask , we talk for around ten minutes , then i think of a good idea " hey lets listen to some music " i say " that's a good idea " says Wanda " any suggestions?" says Nat connecting her phone to the radio " put on f/s its my fav" i tell my favourite song and they add theirs.

we all sing and dance the rest of the way, Wanda and Nat look back every couple of seconds and we all make funny faces at each other as we sing.we get there soon and walk in, there's not may people and I like that.

" hey guys let's get some breakfast first" says Nat " yeah I'm starving " I say and we walk over to the food stalls " everything smells so good " i say " totally " says Wanda " what do you want to eat? " says Nat " lets get some giant pretzels" says Wanda " I've never had one" i say , I'm pretty sure they came out when i was already working for, i was living on the streets and was just a thirteen year old girl who chose the wrong crowd and took a bad job offer. 

" well let me change that , you're gonna love them " says Nat walking to the pretzel  cart , we follow. We walk around out the food court eating pretzels " told you you'd love it" says Nat " they're great " I say " hey guys didn't tony give you money for clothes " says Wanda " yeah" I say " let's go to the clothes shop then " says Wanda.

I pick out some tops and pants and get two jumpers I think look good " just these " I say putting them on the counter " that will be seventy dollars " says the cashier " here " I hand her the money and she puts them in a bag and give me the change.

We walk to the middle of the shops and look around at the shops while talking " isn't it crazy how expensive girl clothes are" I say " I know right " says Wanda " one time I wanted to get this black shirt with a small dose on it and it was thirty dollars " says Nat " that shop was pretty good " I say " how much?" says Wanda " seventy dollars " I say " that is pretty good " says Nat.

" ten bucks each? " i say pulling the change out my pocket and holding ten bucks to each of them" umm yes! " says Nat , the both take a ten and i keep mine. We decide to go and get snacks with the extra money, and Nat and Wanda let you keep the extra ten bucks.

we have fun talking on the way back and when we get there go up to my room and talk and eat and i also put my clothes away in my very empty closet, " guys I have to tell you something " says Nat " what is it " says Wanda " I kissed Steve last night " giggles Nat " no way " I say sitting down and crossing my leg in front of them.

" yeah I think we're gonna start dating " says Nat " ooooh " I muck her in a friendly way " Wanda how are you and vision? " asks Nat " good he's super sweet and is almost never upsetting " Says Wanda " what about you y/n , any fellas back home?" says Nat " nope , and fellas or ladies..." i say.

"how is someone as pretty as you single " says Nat " i wish i knew" i say , i did know why its coz i dont ever ho anywhere where theres many people or anywhere often , but we all laugh " me and Nat have already discussed this before but y/n who was your first kiss?" says Wanda , i dont know how to tell them it was Loki , Loki of all people was my first kiss, like i said i dont get out much.

" ummm well..." i begin rubbing my neck " who was it?" asks Nat " it was a kid i was friend with " i lie, after my house burned down with my parents burned alive i ran away or i would have been put in foster care which i wasn't gonna let happen so i never went to school so i just made up a guy. as we talk we begin opening the snacks.

" Wanda , Nat and y/n come down and train with us!" yells peter from down stairs, i look at the time " omg god guys it been two hours!" i say " omg we must have got lost in the conversation" says Nat " were coming!" yells Nat as we all put the snacks in my draw and then walk down stairs.

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