Chapter seven - powers

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Chapter seven - powers

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that " Loki says " it's okay..." I say now that the situation is awkward " I'm going upstairs " I say sliding my legs off the side of the bed and standing up , I turn to face Loki and he opens his mouth to speak " Loki... I'm fine " i say in a comforting voice

He looks at me for a moment " ok let's go " he says walking into the kitchen with me " y/n you're back!" I hear Wanda say as I turn the corner "yeah it was just a little cut " I say I don't know why everyone's so worked up about it.

" great news " says Bucky " what is it?" i say hoping for my life i can stay " S.H.I.E.L.D said you can stay for a week then if you do anything you have to go but if you dont you can stay." says tony " great!" i say now all i have to do is be nice for a week then bam I'm in for real.

*clank * "did you hear that?" i say looking around " hear what?" asks sam " that noice it sounded like metal hitting together or something" i say not finding where it came from " y/n behind-!" Wanda begins to speak but that gets blocked out as i feel an unbearable pain in my stomach.

i look down to see a sword has been blanched right into my stomach " ahhhh!" i scream in pain , blood begins to drip from me " holy mother of-" my screams stop when the sword is removed and i fall to the ground.

i hear yelling and chatter muffled around as the avenger begin to fight a robot, i feel a hand on my waist " y/n! y/n stay with me!" Loki screams " Loki...Loki I'm ok!" I scream , of course I'm not ok but that's just the pain side I know I will live but the pain tells me other wise , I lift my hands to my wound " ahhhhh this is gonna hurt!" I yell as I press my hand onto the wound.

" what the heck are you doing!" Yells Loki , a light green colour begins coming from my hands , using my powers " ahhhhhhhh!!" I scream as the pain is the worst I've ever felt , the wound begins to heal slowly " this is gonna hurt later!" I yell as I still use my powers.

" you can heal!? " says Loki in shock 

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