Chapter eight - one night changes everything

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Chapter eight - one night changes everything

" yes I can heal , but it's hard to do and uses a lot of my energy and it's very hard to do for other people!" I say while yelling from the pain " I'll shield us " says Loki making sure I have time to heal " one of the robots went crazy!" Yells Nat to us.

" great just what I needed right now!" I yell back sarcastically " Loki take my hand" I say " what?" questions loki " take my hand!" i say putting one of my hands out and healing with the other , loki looks at mw then takes my hand, i begin squeezing it so help the pain.

soon the avengers kill this robot and all crowd around me all shocked to see healing was my power " nat" i say " whats up!" she says getting ready to help " please get me some REAL clothes " i say as the healing has almost finishes " of course" she says leaving to up stairs.

" I am ok guys I promise " I say , that was a lie but it calmed them all down to go off and figure out what happened , once they all leave I'm left with Loki still grabbing at his hand " I'm a god you can't lie to me" he says " what?" i ask "you're still grabbing at my hand , that tells me you're not ok " he says moving his hand up with mine in it.

i finish the healing and sit up ignoring what loki said " I'm gonna go see if nat has some clothes " i sat walking upstairs. nat gives me some of her clothes and i thanks her then go to put my pjs in the washing machine.

I throw my pjs into the machine and begin pressing the buttons until I fell a cough coming "crap!" I say to myself and run to the kitchen sink , throwing my hands on the side of the sink and holding it I gag and couch blood splashing into the sink and tears coming from my eyes in announce.

After a couch or two I feel a hand on my back then someone holding my hair up and out my face , I go to turn my head but couch again right into the sink , I sigh loudly and turn around wiping my mouth, blood going on my hand " Loki!" I yell seeing he was the one holding my hair up.

He looks worried "are you alright?" He asks handing me a hand towel to wipe my face and hands , I take it and wipe my hands " I'm fine " I say " how many times are you gonna tell me that " he says " what's up" he says.

" it's just coz I was impalpable through the stomach remember " I say before wiping a my face " yes but you healed " he says confused " there was blood stuck in my lungs still " I say sliding on to the counter beside him to sit and putting the towel down.

" then you're going to be good " he says "yeah..." I say , I don't really believe that coz everything's turning to sh1t " do you think you got it all out?" he asks "probably not" i say ill grab a bucket" he says going to the laundry "put this in my washing" i say handing him the towel, he takes the corner without blood on it and walks away.

He comes back and sits me on the couch while I hold the bucket to under my chin "this is embarrassing" I say " no it's fine" he says "no I-" I being but then feel a lump in my throat holding the bucket to my face, I gag out more blood , I feel Loki hold my hair back again.

I feel stinging in my eyes but try to hold back my tears, I don't want Loki seeing me any more available than I already am "the other will be back soon to tell us what happened" says Loki while my head still in the bucket "yeah" I say taking my head out " I think I'm done now" I say putting the bucket down as Loki drops my hair.

I tie up my hair and clean the bucket while Loki cleans the sink,after cleaning the bucket I turn on my clothes in the wash and walk into the kitchen , we're Loki is getting told what happened " y/n, it turns out the robot had accidentally turned to instant kill , don't even know why that button exists" says Steve.

" are you guys ok?" i say " were fine" says wanda " what about you?" says bucky "yeah I'm fine now " i say finally meaning it "thats good" says bruce "I'm going to go to my room its been a long day" i say.

i turn on my phone and call the hydra agent " what is it mrs.y/n" the hydra agent says "i think maybe this is a bad idea they are nice people" i say, I'm beginning to feel bad " dont fail our mission now!" he yells through the phone " What if- "  i cant tell if this was a bad idea but they are like my -my friends " they'll give you up as soon as they find out if you don't pull together " he says " then they wont know" i say ending the call , I guess I must finish my mission.

as i throw my phone on my bed i sit down then hear a knock at my door " who is it?" i say "loki..." i hear through the door "come in" i say , then the door slowly creeks open " whats up?" i ask cheerful to hide my sadness and anger " i wanted to check on you and make sure you are ok after everything" he says sitting next to me.

" i promise I'm better now "  i say , i yawn "its getting late was there something else you wanted?" i say laying down " no the-" loki begins but i feel my eye close and cant open then they feel so heavy i then feel a blanket over me then a yawn , but everything after that is a burr.

i wake up and go to rub my eyes but feel something on my arm i blink and notice loki is spooning me , i dont know how to feel , mad or comforted , mad i should feel mad , how dare he stay in my room and sleep in the same bed as me then snuggle me while i sleep!

I start to get up but feel a hand hold me gently to tell me to stay , I'm mad but can't seem to move from his warm body, after a moment or two I move my head to face him, I move back a bit so there's a space between our heads.

We just look at each other but he makes me feel clam just resting his arms around me , not holding me and making it weird " I guess I did this while I was sleeping " he says  " I guess so" I say " we should get up" he says sitting up and brushing him self down so he doesn't look like he slept in his clothes , I do then same.

" y/n..." he says calmly but with a nervous edge in his voice " yeah?" I ask turning to face him , he steps closer and puts his hand to my face , there's no way this is happing right now I think to myself, he moves his head to mine looking at me to make sure it's not weird then softly presses his lips to mine just for a moment then steps back, it feel like something that would happen in a movie or book , I want to yell and get mad but can't find the anger to.

A/N: I'm sorry ,I apologise , there will be nothing other then kissing and it wouldn't be weird and detailed :)

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