Chapter sixteen - destiny full filled 

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Chapter sixteen - destiny full filled

( last chapter )

Soon the fight was over,we had won I was so happy. My first though was that I needed to be with Loki , I run up to him hugging him tight, his head resting on my shoulder hugging me back.

"Let's go" he says pulling away slowly. We all walk into the compound, with cuts and bruises but we all survived, the police are already outside putting them in hand cuffs." We don't need to worry anymore" says tony.

" thanks god" I chuckle happy , everyone laughs happy too.I sit next to Loki and rest my head on his shoulder, loving his comfort.

" we should probably all go shower" I say " yeah you all stink" jokes Steve. We all get ready for bed as the day is coming to an end.we are all tired so we are all in our rooms chilling.

I walk into Loki's room " hey you awake?" i whisper looking at him laying on his bed,he rolls over and looks at me " yep I'm up" he says moving to sit against his bed frame.
i come and sit next to him sliding under the blankets. " I'm glad we lived" i say "same here" says Loki "So are you gonna kiss me or are we just gonna sit here" i say, he looks at me.

"of course" he says, he leans closer and softly places his lips on mine, we kiss for a moment and it feels like a life time, i love him , i think I've known that since day one but only now can i see it, and admit it.

we pull away " Loki i love you..." i say looking in his eyes to see how he reacts , he stays the same happy expression " i know you do y/n ..... i love you too" he says.

we cuddling into the blankets and i feel his warm arm rap around my stomach, i place the back of my head on his chest and cuddling into him , hold his hand and interlock our fingers, i feel safe in his arms and never want him to let go.

We still don't know the meaning of life , but I think that my destiny has been full filled, Loki , Loki was my destiny, the avengers where my destiny. So if my destiny is full filled I guess this is where my story ends.

*camera slowly zooms out lol*


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