Chapter eleven - on the run

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Chapter eleven - on the run

I look at Loki sorrow and pleading in my eyes , he looks at me and I can tell he is thinking "y/n is just being annoying" Loki groans his voice sounding mad " then why do you two look like you've been crying?" she asks concerned " angry tears" i say talking through my teeth to seem mad.

" you two really need to get along" says nat coming up to me but looking at us both "seriously you will get thrown out y/n if you two idiots dont get along" she says then walks back upstairs giving me a * dont course no trouble* look and i just mouthing *you're right*.

Once Nat is out of sight I look at Loki and sit across from him on the foot rest "thank you..." I say , both of us trying to find a way to handle this horrible situation.

" don't thank me yet , how can I just keep this from them , you are trying to hurt us all" he says mad but calm as to do cause a fight "let me plead my case ok " I say In hope he will have sympathy.

" I don't know how to handle this situation, I think you guys are great but it's my life and i dont know how to tell you not to hand me over after find out I want to hurt you and your friends" I say , I can't just tell him to not bring me away for my horrible and it is horrible intentions.

I can see he is puzzled " I - listen I can't just not tell them , they're like my family but hear this , I'll give you time to run..." he says "run..?" i ask "you leave and i tell them i found you missing and fake note explain everything" he says.

i cant believe how fast he was to bad me up, i guess he was a former villain " thank you Loki" i say. The plan was set in moment, it was early enough for the avengers to be asleep except Nat witch probably had fell back asleep.

Loki gave a backpack, I packed my phone and clothes as well as a light blanket i had folded then stuffed into the bag. I need food so I throw together two sandwiches and wrapped them and put them in with two apples,then took the left over snacks from yesterday and the ten dollars in hope there's something useful for ten dollars.

"Ok now the note" Loki says handing me a peace of paper and pen.

*I am a secret hydra agent here to hand you over to hydra but I could not go along with my mission, I apologise and hope you have a great life and I know I will miss you , you are the only people I have ever had a connection to since I was a kid

I leave it on the bed side table,put on my jacket take a yogurt to eat for breakfast on the backpack on and my hair in a high ponytail "well this is it..." I say " until we meet again" says Loki , I think for a moment then Lean over and kiss his cheek.

" I never thought I would say this but Loki , I'm going to miss you and your dumb jokes" we both chuckle over our tears, he hug him " until we meet again" I repeat pulling away and opening the door, I walk out and sigh,this is it.

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