Chapter three - making a friend

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Everyone's eyes widened in shock and sorrow " here is someone who care-" Nat begins " no! No one! Do you see anyone texting me and anyone knocking at this door! You don't coz there is no one ok no one!" I feel real burn in my eyes real tears down my face as I scream.

"maybe if I be myself they'll believe me more" I say into the phone trying to convince the hydra agent my out burst will help us because I can't get fired now "or maybe I just wanna stop hiding yourself, well news flash y/n I own you yeah so you do as I say!" He shouts from the phone " whatever!" I  yell pushing the *end call* button , I don't care what they say I'm gonna do what I want!

Sitting in my new room regretting so much, how could I let myself lose control so easy, I long for some comfort but as I said , no one there's always no one which is why I need to pull myself together and get my chess peace back on the board.

I take a deep breath and walk out of the room , I need to make a friendship with someone who is not easy to manipulate so I can seem more trust worthy *thud thud* I knock on the door of Loki's room " coming" I hear him say followed by footsteps.

The door creaks open " what do you want?" he asks kind but not friend like which is why he is the perfect person he's only kind coz he wants to be nice and is sympathetic " hey ummm I was wondering if you would like to do something with me " I say.

" why don't you hangout with Peter he's your age?" he says , i cant tell if its rude or just a General question
" he's sixteen I'm eighteen " i say " and I'm 1,054 " he says
" sure ... " he says stepping forward making me step back and shuts the door " oh thanks " I say, check mate my chess peace just moved forward, avengers zero me one.

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