Chapter two - fake story

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I lay like a starfish on the bed watching the ceiling thinking of how much has happened already. This room is so big It's weird to think of how much money tony probably spent on it , there's a knock on the door , I don't move from my position I just look through the corner of my eye, I see raven black hair and different shades of green leaning against the door frame " Loki..." I say not moving a muscle " come with me " he says his legs cross over each-other as his shoulder leans against he door frame ,I slide my legs stare as well as my arms then pull my torso up to sit

" how do I know I can trust you" I say looking at him " because I'm an avenger go by the way just helped convince tony to let you stay for at least a questioning" he says

He actually did that , how sweet , no that's good that just means I'm believable, I have to keep my eyes on the prize " oh... thanks " I say sliding my legs off the side of the bed and standing up, he gestures his hand out the door and stands normally, i slowly walk to the door and shuffle out the room. We walk down a hallway and into the room I ran into with the kitchen area and a launch room area " so tell us what's happening " says Steve
" well... one day while I was out I accidentally uses my powers without thinking and I think a hydra agent saw because ever since then I have been getting stroked by them , they're everywhere I go" I say looking to the floor

"Sit down , tell us more " says Hawkeye " well , it's been a year now, and I've been running for so long " i say , I sit down on the couch putting my hands in my face , feeling wet tears moistening my hands, making sure I let out whimpers so they know I'm crying.

I can feel all their eyes on me without picking my head up out of my hands " hey ... it's ok " I hear Peter say sitting next to me then someone else's hand on my shoulder , I look up to see a blur from my tears , blinking and focusing my eyes I see Loki " I'm sorry..." I say pulling down my jumper sleeve and wiping my tears , I make an embarrassed chuckle " I should just go.." I say pretending I'm still sad " I don't want to waste your time " I say.

I begin to sit up but I feel two hands pull me down nicely " you're not wasting our time" Peter says sympathetically " look I've done this whole pretending to care ok I get it you're the avengers you have to always be the good guys but trust me I know you don't care ok nobody dose..!" I say feeling my real self slip through.

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