Chapter thirteen- suprised

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Chapter thirteen - surprised

I can hear them calling my name as well as the leafs crunching from below me as my feet fighting to keep myself up and not slip, if they found me I'm toast.

"y/n!"  " come on come out" " we're not mad " yeah right I don't believe them one bit. Soon I find myself out in the street on a path near the road, think think think where do I go without being seen , I have the perfect idea I make sure my backpacks tight and grip on a a tree.

The biggest and most hidden branch I could find has me clenching onto it for my life, I see Loki,Nat,Peter and Wanda run past then turn back "if she's out there we won't find her let's keep looking in the mall with the others" I hear Nat say as the begin to walk away from the road.

I've done it their gone yes! Oh no I feel myself slipping off the log , I bear hug the tree but have no success to stop from sliding and feel myself falling, I clench my eyes and prepare to hit the ground.

My back hits the ground , my back pack helping break my fall and keep my head from smacking the floor. " y/n!!" I hear Peter yell " are you ok live " I hear Loki say beside me and I open my eyes.

"just great" I say sarcastically I've been caught it's all over for me now " I'm so glad you're not dead" I hear Nat cry and pulling me up to hug her " what...? dont you hate me?" i ask what is she think.

"of course not" she says pulling away " i was gonna help kill you.." i say "was past tense , you're a good person y/n"  she says " no , no you're suppose to hate me foe what i WAS going to do" what is she thinking just trusting me?

" please y/n come home " i hear Loki say he sympathetically and hopeful " but,but you " i cant get out my words questions filling my head , " I don't think I can just let you do this" Loki's words from our fight repeat in my head.

They notice my confused and worried face " y/n I promise we want you to come back and live with us you are forgiven" Peter says. Could it really be true do they really want me back?

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